United Kingdom

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Transcript United Kingdom

• Official name is the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
• GB consist of three parts – England,
Scotland and Wales
• Capital city is London in England,
Cardiff in Wales, Edinburg in Scotland
Belfast in Northern Ireland
In the east GB is washed by North Sea
In the west GB is washed by Atlantic Ocean
In the north GB is washed by North Atlantic Ocean
In the south GB is washed by English Channel – La Manche
They aren´t very long but quite deep
Some important ports – London on the Thames, Liverpool on
the Mersey, Glasgow on the Clyde river, Stratford on the Avon
Loch Lomond
Loch Ness – legend with monster „Nessie“
The best known is lake Windermere – recreational reservation
The largest lake is in Northen Ireland – Lough Neagh
In Scotland are Scotish Highlands
The highest peak of UK is Ben Nevis
The hughest ranges are Pennies = The Back Bone of UK.
Climate is very mild and humid
many types of weather can be experienced in a single day
• western parts of England and Scotland, being closest to
the Atlantic Ocean, are generally the mildest, wettest and
windiest regions of the UK
• eastern areas are drier, cooler, less windy and also experience
the greatest daily and seasonal temperature variations
• northern areas are generally cooler, wetter and have slightly
larger temperature ranges than southern areas
• generally the United Kingdom has cool to mild winters and
warm summers with moderate variation in temperature
throughout the year
GB is democratic country with monarch (now Elizabeth II.)
The Britich Constitution is not written it is based on traditional and
In fact monarch doesn´t rule – advice act
Monarch has important duty – the choise of Prime minister (now
David Cameron)
The country is ruled by Cabinet – ministers
The Parlament consisting of House of Commons and House of
The MP´s are elected, but to be a lord is hereditary
There are 3 main political parties – The Labour, The Conservative
and the Liberal Democracy
• the current Prime Minister, David Cameron, leader of
the Conservative Party, was appointed by the Queen on 11
May 2010
• The Union Flag = The
Union Jack
• It consist three croses of
patrons of England – St.
George, Northern Ireland –
St. Patric, Scotland – St.
• Wales isn´t representive
on the flag, cause when
the flag first appeal Wales
was united with England
• England – Red rose, St. George, Lion or Bulldog
Northern Ireland – Shamrock, St. Patrick
Wales – Daffodil or Leek, St. David, Red dragon
Scotland – Thistle, St. Andrew, Unicorn
• The United Kingdom has the sixth-largest national economy in
the world (and third-largest in Europe)
• In 2012, the UK was the 10th-largest exporter in the world and
the sixth-largest importer
In 2012, the UK had the third-largest stock of inward foreign
direct investment and the second-largest stock
of outward foreign direct investment
• The British economy comprises (in descending order of size)
the economies of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
• The UK has one of the world's most globalized economies
• One of the most popular tourist attraction is Stratford-uponAvon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare
• Interesting are Oxford and Cambridge which are well-known for
one of the most prestige and oldest universities. These towns are
sometimes called together Oxbridge
• Canterbury is an ancient city with a majestic cathedral. It is the seat of
the Archbishop. Canterbury Tales based on Geoffrey Chaucer’s classic
are big attraction
• Very spectacular place is Stonehenge, where are the very old
prehistoric megalithic monuments, which are more than 3000 years
old. The ruins stand in the centre of a huge circle 98 m in diameter
Bath is the most famous spa in
England. Romans built it.The
springs have curative purposes.
Natural springs are nearly 50
degrees hot
• Hadrian’s Wall is a remain of
the Roman fortifications built
between 122-26 AD to protect
England against the Celtic’s