Transcript Slide 1

Gypsy & Traveller Site Grant programme
Rowena Clements – Programme Delivery
13th January 2011
Thriving communities, affordable homes
 Started 1 December 2008
 Made up of programmes from Housing
Corporation, English Partnerships, the Academy
for Sustainable Communities and Department of
Communities and Local Government
 Our vision:
To create opportunities
• For people to live in homes they can afford
in places they want to live
• For local authorities and communities to
deliver the ambition they have for their own
Thriving communities, affordable homes
Affordable Rent
Registered Providers working with Local Authorities
Local Authority Support
HCA working closely with Local Authorities
Local Authorities Key Role
Thriving communities, affordable homes
GTSG delivery within the HCA
 Spending Review
 Mainstream delivery of
pitches and sites as
affordable housing
 Ring fenced Pot
 Product
Thriving communities, affordable homes
Framework for delivery
 Local Investment Plans
 Working with
Registered Providers
Thriving communities, affordable homes
Community Land Trust/Self
 Innovative Bids
 Land Owning
 Self Build
Thriving communities, affordable homes
Value For Money
 No 100% grant funding
 Lower Costs
 Procurement
Thriving communities, affordable homes
Next Steps
 Programme Launch January
Thriving communities, affordable homes
[email protected]
Any questions
Thriving communities, affordable homes