FLSA & KRONOS - Baltimore County Public Schools

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Transcript FLSA & KRONOS - Baltimore County Public Schools

L e a h Met zer, Di r e c t o r, A cc o un t in g & P a y r o l l
Br i dg et B us h ma n, Sp eci al ist , HR / Cl a ssi fi cat ion
• Review Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Guidelines
• Review ESPBC Master Agreement – wage and hour
• Review KRONOS – employee time & attendance application
• Share KRONOS Implementation Plan
• Questions & Answers 
FLSA Identifies two types of employees
• Hourly employees
• Salaried employees
• Compensated at time-and-one
half for time worked in excess
of 40 hours per week
• Do not receive overtime
• ESPBC employees
• Executive, Administrative,
Professional, etc. classifications
FLSA requires employers
to . . .
 Compensate all non -exempt employees for ALL
hours worked
Overtime compensation for hours worked beyond
40 hours per work week
Pay employees federal minimum wage
Maintain wage and hour record keeping
Effect of ESPBC Master Agreement
• Should the Master Agreement provide employee benefits beyond the
guidelines in FLSA, the agreements will prevail
• Breaks (example)
• Employers not required to provide under FLSA
• Master Agreement provisions establish guidelines for breaks
• Information combination of FLSA & ESPBC agreement guidelines
Overtime (OT)
• Hours worked over 40 hours in a work week are
considered OT
• Hours worked beyond 40 must be compensated
at a rate of time and one half
• vacation, paid leave, and holiday pay are not treated as
hours worked
Overtime (OT)
• Must
be pre-approved by a supervisor
• Either paid time or compensatory time (agreed
• Employee, with approval, may adjust their
schedule during the work week to offset
extended work days
•These adjustments should occur in the same work week
Gap Time
• Time
worked beyond the normal work week up
to 40 hours is “gap time”
• 40 hours per week – 37.5 hours per week = 2.5 hours gap time
• Paid at the regular hourly rate of pay ( not time
and one half )
• Must be pre-approved by supervisor
Compensatory (Comp) Time
• Paid time off which is earned and accrued in lieu
of cash payment for work in excess of regular
weekly schedule
• Earned hour for hour for ‘gap time’
• Earned at a rate of one and one half hours
beyond 40 hours per week
Using Comp Time
• Preferred
– within the same or next pay period
after accrued
• FLSA – states within a ‘reasonable time period’
• ESPBC Agreement – states must be used by the
end of the school/fiscal year
Responsibilities for
 Monitor employees time
 Review requests for work extending beyond the work schedule
 Determine if schedule can be adjusted within a work week
 Report comp time and overtime appropriately
Ensure comp time is utilized in accordance with ESPBC
Counsel and/or provide disciplinary action to employees who do
not comply with OT or comp time procedures
Responsibilities for Employee
 Perform duties during designated work hours
 Avoid working during lunch, before, or after the start of the day
without prior approval
 Avoid accessing electronic work materials (e -mail) beyond work
 Obtain authorization and complete appropriate form
 Understand whether or not you will receive comp time or payment
Use comp time in accordance with the ESPBC Agreement
We Love Your dedication
Vo l un t eer t o w or k ‘ off t h e cl ock’
Wa i ve r i g h t s un de r F L S A
Current BCPS Reporting Procedures
• Authorization to Work Beyond Scheduled Hours
form (two parts)
• Must be signed by supervisor prior to working gap time or
• Indicates either paid or comp time
• Report of hours worked upon completion
Authorization to Work Beyond Scheduled Hours
Current BCPS Procedures - Continued
• Notification of Absence card
• Used to request time off including comp time
• Bi-Weekly Payroll Report
• Used to record leave and additional hours worked
• Currently used by BCPS
• More efficient way to process payroll
• Increased accuracy
• Compliant with FLSA
• Compensate employees for all hours worked
KRONOS Project -Progress to Date
• Conducted focus group meetings
• Incorporated feedback
• Established project steering committee and work group
• Met with offices participating in Phase 1 and 2
• Inventoried KRONOS time clocks
• Developed training materials
Implementation Schedule
• April 2014 – Parallel testing
• May 2014 – Phase 1
• Fiscal Services and Human Resources Bldg E
• June – August 2014 – Phase 2
• Office-based employees (Greenwood, Jefferson Bldg, Pulaski Park)
• September – December 2014 – Phase 3
• Roll out to school-based employees
B C P S O F F I C E O F PAY R O L L : 4 1 0 - 8 8 7 - 4 2 4 0
H T T P : / / W W W. B C P S .O R G / O F F I C E S / PAY R O L L /
B C P S O V E R T I M E / G A P T I M E A U T H O R I Z AT I O N F O R M :
H T T P : / / W W W. B C P S .O R G / O F F I C E S / PAY R O L L / P D F / F L S A / W O R K _ F O R M . P D F
W W W. D L L R . S TAT E . M D. U S / L A B O R / WA G E S /
U. S . D E PA R T M E N T O F L A B O R WA G E A N D H O U R D I V I S I O N :
W W W. D O L . G O V / W H D / F L S A
B C P S O F F I C E O F C L A S S I F I C AT I O N : 4 1 0 - 8 87 - 8 9 3 8
H T T P : / / W W W. B C P S .O R G / O F F I C E S / P E R S O N N E L _ S E R V I C E S / P D F / F L S A G U I D E . P D F
H T T P : / / W W W. B C P S .O R G / O F F I C E S / P E R S O N N E L _ S E R V I C E S / P D F / F L S A - FA Q . P D F
B C P S O F F I C E O F S TA F F I N G : 4 1 0 - 8 8 7 - 7 8 6 9
B C P S O F F I C E O F E M P LO Y E E D I S P U T E R E S O L U T I O N : 4 1 0 - 8 8 7 - 8 9 3 6