Dialog - Hawaii Community College

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Transcript Dialog - Hawaii Community College

Hawaii Strategy Institute 2011
 The purpose of this presentation is to introduce you to
a methodological approach to support your initiative,
project, or activity.
 By overlaying the importance of communication,
coordination, and collaboration to the work you are
already doing, the hope is that you will be able to
approach your work in an organized and efficient
 The Shewhart Cycle is one of many methodologies
that can be used to develop your project—but the
beauty of the tool lies in its simplicity.
The Shewhart Cycle
Why are we looking at a Business
Process Improvement Methodology?
 Because it works.
 The intention here is not to have you redesign
anything that you’ve already put together.
 In the next few slides you should be able to see how
adding some fairly minor details to your project plan
will benefit you and enable you and your project team
to work more effectively with each other.
 When you consider the 4 easy phases in the Shewhart
Cycle, you will see how natural it becomes to
Communicate, Coordinate, and Collaborate.
The “Planning” Phase
 Plan – What problem am I trying to solve?
 Do I have the resources I will need in order to deliver on time?
(Administrative support, data team, web developer, faculty
participation, etc)
 If not, what is my plan to get there?
 How will I communicate our progress so that others in the
organization will understand where we are, what we are
trying to accomplish, and what our plan is going forward?
 How often should we meet and what is the nature of the
 Be sure to set milestones or activity deliverables early on.
The “Doing” Phase
 This phase involves actually doing what you said you
were going to do in your planning phase.
 Have your first meeting and collaborate on how you
would like to work together.
 Discuss ground rules and a distribution list for
 Navigate to the website where your plan, schedule, and
meeting minutes are kept so everyone on your project
team knows where to go for information and provide a
means to communicate.
The “Checking” Phase
 Probably one of the most important phases of all, the
checking phase allows you to take a moment to see if
your plan is working as intended.
 Are we on track to deliver on our planned milestones
or activity deadlines?
 Have we done a good job at actively seeking feedback
by communicating with those from our project teams?
 What can we do to improve our existing process?
 Do we have the organizational accountability in place
to clearly define our roles as originally intended?
The “Act” Phase
 As the name of the phase implies, the Act phase is
where you take what you have learned from the Check
phase and integrate the changes/improvements back
into your process. (Think summative assessment)
 This does not complete the cycle—it merely returns
you to the Planning phase where you update your plan
in a cycle of continuous improvement.
 Without improving the process you can expect that
you will continue to experience less than optimum
results from your work, and the work from your team.
 Communicate Marketing the work your team is doing on your campus is
paramount to developing the buy-in you will need to be
successful. Here are some tips:
 Post your meeting schedule and minutes on your AtD website
so everyone will know what progress has been made. A short
bulleted list is sufficient to highlight what was accomplished
and who was in attendance.
 Email a quick recap of all significant meeting minutes to the
entire campus—let them know you are immersed in this
important work.
 If you are working on an intervention and only tracking a
handful of students—that’s fine. Be sure to cc your IR so that
they know what you are doing.
 Coordinate—
 The core team on your campus has a huge job of
coordinating numerous working groups and ensuring
that they are cross-pollinating in order to share ideas.
 Do what you can to help facilitate the coordination of
various groups.
 We are all the “eyes” of this initiative. If you see
something that is not working, be sure to bring it to the
attention of your core team leads so that issues are
quickly resolved.
 Collaboration –
 Collaboration is what happens when people come
together to work on a shared interest, in our case the
interest is student success.
 Collaboration works best when each individual feels that
the work at hand has been well planned, appropriately
resourced, and attended by all.
 Collaborative work can be a very satisfying aspect of our
jobs if we truly embrace the essence of why we were
brought together—to get it done.
Final Thoughts…
 The most valuable resource you have access to in the
Achieving the Dream Initiative are the people involved
in its implementation.
 The best data in the world will not help you if your
people are not talking.
 Take the time to develop and maintain good working
relationships with everyone on your project team.
 The success of your initiative will be a reflection of
how well your team communicates with one another.