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Campus Best Practice (GN3/NA3/T4) and the Norwegian GigaCampus project

Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT Network Monitoring Workshop Belgrade, 20 October 2009

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GEANT3: 2009-2013

Total four year budget: 181.4 M € NA3 Joint Research Activities:

JRA1: Future Network JRA2: Multi-domain Resources and Services JRA3: Enabling Communities

Service Activities:

SA1: G ÉANT Network Architecture Design and Planning, Procuring, Building and Operating SA2: Multi-Domain Service Operation SA3: End-User Services in a Federated Environment SA4: Software Governance

Networking Activities:

NA1: Management NA2: Joint Dissemination and Outreach

NA3: Status and Trends

SA1 NA4: Liaison and Support SA2 SA3 SA4 JRA1 JRA2 JRA3 NA1 NA2 NA3 NA4

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Campus Best Practice (GN3/NA3/T4) Task participants

Four countries participate in the work, 14 man years: Norway / UNINETT (8 MY) Serbia / AMRES (2 MY) The Czech republic / CESNET (2 MY) Finland / FUNET (2 MY) • Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT • Gunnar Bøe, UNINETT • Olaf Schjelderup, UNINETT • Mara Bukvic, AMRES • Bojan Jakovljevic, AMRES • Esad Saitovic, AMRES • Jiri Navratil, CESNET • Tomas Podermanski, CESNET • Vladimir Zahorik, CESNET • Wenche Backman, FUNET • Janne Oksanen, FUNET • Jari Miettinen, FUNET • Juha Oinonen, FUNET NA3 Activity leader: Karel Vietsch, TERENA NA3/T4 Task leader: Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT

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Campus Best Practice Task Objective

Address key challenges for the European campus networks Important areas of focus: –

Physical infrastructure

– – –

Campus network Wireless infrastructure Light paths on campus Network challenges on campus

Challenge NRENs to reinforce their national efforts The NREN should be a fascilitator that stimulates collaboration between the ”campus guys” at the university level and with the NREN itself Get

working groups

up and running Provide an evolving and to-the-point set of

best-practice documents

for the community.

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Earnest Report on Campus Issues

Published January 2008

52 recommendations regarding issues on campus Very congruent with the Campus Best Practice work plan Recommendation #12:

“Strengthen the collaboration between National Research and Education Networking organisations and institutions to improve the deployment of key services” Better synchronization of national research networking and campus issues is essential for viable end-to-end services.

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Norwegian GigaCampus

Four years of experience with GigaCampus (started in 2006) Have

working groups

in 7 areas operational Physical infrastructure, network, mobility, security, AV, network monitoring, SIP Have made 20++

best practice documents

(but in Norwegian…) Have run 25 national


processes Routers, switches, wireless, servers, storage, printers, A/V, telephony, ADSL, software Have rolled out

network monitoring

over 30 campuses and management solutions on Contributed to getting


up on running on 29 campuses so far.

Done on cite help for getting a institutions.

security policy

approved by the university board and in turn implemented. We done security audits on 26 universities/collages. We have also provided IRT training for 25 Assisted universities in building project, securing an optimal physical network infrastructure. Been on cite and assisted with 30 campus core network buildouts.

UNINETT engineering task force UFS best practice documents connect • communicate • collaborate

Campus Best Practice (GN3/NA3/T4) Work plan

Translate existing GigaCampus material to English Focus initially (first two years) on getting results


(Norway, Serbia, The Czech republic, Finland) the four pilot countries Organize national working groups and national workshops Produce BPDs – on the national level – in the local tongue Translate BPDs to English when mature As the results and recommendations (BPDs) from the countries of the pilot NRENs become available, they will be actively disseminated to the wider European NREN and campus communities. Available on

The task will provide a bulletin board for BPD contributions from other countries as well.

We are planning


campus issues workshops later in the program period.

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Campus Best Practice Subtasks i.e. Areas of Focus

We have defined 9 subtasks / areas: 1.

Basic infrastructure 2.



LAN infrastructure and IPv6






Light path service

Wireless Network monitoring

SIP and IP telephony Security 9.

Procurement Not all four pilot countries contributing to all subtasks

but all countries contributing to network monitoring


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Objective of



All countries have a related history of developing and providing network monitoring tools For the NREN itself For the campus network environments Objective; Exchange experiences Show features and future plans for home-made tools –

and other (open source?) tools found useful

Discuss common denominators Lay grounds for future collaboration Lay grounds for planned Best Practice Documents in the area

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