Diapositive 1 - EUPAN - European Public Administration Network

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Topical headlines of the
Luxembourgish EUPAN Presidency 2015
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Some facts about Luxembourg
Area: 2.586 km2, of which 85,5% is farmland or forest (2011)
Total population: 524.900 inhabitants, including 229.900
foreign residents representing 43,8% of the total population
Population of Luxembourg city: 99.900 inhabitants
National language: Lëtzebuergesch
Administrative languages: French, German & Lëtzebuergesch
Slogan: “Welcome to Luxembourg – European Capital”
RIGA, 20th March 2015
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Topical Headlines
“The LUXEMBOURGISH Presidency will build upon the topical
areas explored during the ITALIAN and LATVIAN Presidencies and
continue to further implement the priorities of the MTP.”
HORIZONTAL THEMES to be covered:
 Innovative and open public administration to build trust and
sustain integrity
The future role of the EUPAN network in the 2020
Organisation of the 8th Quality Conference as a synthesis of
the themes and challenges tackled in the present MTP
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Priority Topic
Enhancing trust and innovative capacity of European
public administrations
A study on a future-oriented public administration for 2020
Output: Recommendations and priority actions to ensure
trust, innovation, quality of services and policy-making
and fulfilment of the European agenda.
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Innovation in public organisations
HRM practices and service delivery in a context based
on trust & transparency
Different steps of the study:
 Analysis of major challenges of PA in the European and
national context;
 Identification of major HRM and PSD trends to cope with these
 Selection of 10 inspiring practices which promote innovative
public policies and services, trust and an inclusive state
 Criteria for the selection of these good practices will be
identified such as impact, transferability etc..
The interrelationship between HRM, service delivery, trust,
transparency and innovation.
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Inspiring Practices
Selection of inspiring practices from prize awarded projects
8th Quality
EPSA 2011
RIGA, 20th March 2015
EPSA 2013
Needs of personnel and competencies in a more
diverse PA and society
A survey and analytical paper on trends in terms of
needs of personnel and of competencies in a more
diverse PA and society
Output: trends, challenges and good practices from
EU Member States in the fields of HRM and working
conditions which address the needs, expectations,
values and competency requirements of a more
diverse workforce and society
RIGA, 20th March 2015
HRWG – Survey
Effectively responding to the needs of personnel and
of competencies in a diverse and ageing PA and society
Diverse workforce: Most European countries’ public workforces are ageing
and becoming more diverse. What are the needs and expectations of a
more diverse workforce in terms of working patterns and HRM?
Leadership: As public workforces age and are more diverse, leaders need to
cope with the challenge to manage (age)mixed teams and shape a valuedriven culture. How can governments attract and develop public managers
with the right skills, and which reflect the populations they serve?
Workforce planning and agility: As a high number of older workers leave
the public workforce, most PAs are simultaneously shrinking their
workforce and reallocating HRs from surplus departments to critical
functions which are in need in an ageing society. How can workforce
planning contribute? What kind of HRM and Public Employment policies
can help to make a leaner workforce more agile?
RIGA, 20th March 2015
8th Quality Conference – follow up report – first conclusions
Security policies and data protection in an environment of
new forms of service delivery
• New forms of delivery, as for instance eDelivery, let arise new
challenges in security policies and data protection. The study aims at
addressing these challenges and describes how different selected
Member States tackle them. Best practices will be identified in the area
of technology, legal context and organization regarding security and
data protection and the study will formulate recommendations.
Service delivery: instruments to understand the needs and
expectations of users in delivering services, implementation of
internal procedures of cross-organisational cooperation
• Different ways and instruments can be used to collect the needs,
expectations and suggestions concerning service delivery. A survey will
analyse the existing internet forums and put forward required forms of
cross-organisational cooperation.
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Luxembourgish EUPAN Presidency
EUPAN Troïka Secretariat Meeting
7th July 2015
8th Quality Conference
1st & 2nd October 2015
15th & 16th October 2015
Meeting of the Directors of Institutes
and Schools of Public Administration
26th & 27th October 2015
EUPAN Directors General & Troïka
16th November 2015
E-Government Conference
30th November + 1st/2nd December 2015
65th Meeting of EUPAN Directos
3rd & 4th December 2015
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Conference Venues
“Cité des Sciences”, Esch-Belval
“European Investment Bank”,
“Conference Center Kirchberg”,
RIGA, 20th March 2015
Thank you for your attention!