Transcript Document

Social Economy Public
Policy Research
Social Economy Hub 2009/10
Uvic and Canadian CED
Rupert Downing
Purpose of the Research
• Mobilize knowledge on the public
policy instruments being used in
Canada and around the world to
strengthen the social economy and
its outcomes.
• Engage practitioners, government,
researchers and other stakeholders in
determining how to improve the
enabling environment for the social
economy in Canada.
Purpose of the Research
• Provide evidence-based inputs to
the Summit of SE actors in June 2010
to map a public policy agenda to
strengthen the social economy in
Canada that builds on successful
Phases of the Research
• International literature review
Advancing the Social Economy for
Socio-economic Development
Crystal Tremblay
• Analysis of key policy instruments
and their potential outcomes for
public policy inclusive of coconstruction opportunities and needs
• Draft analysis of next steps to
strengthen the policy environment in
Phases of the Research
• Engagement with stakeholders on
how to strengthen the public policy
• Knowledge mobilization with nodes
and partners on policy-related
research findings
• Final report published, submitted to
SE Summit May 2010
Literature Review
• Economic, social and environmental
crises spurring convergence of civil
society around concept of
social/solidarity economy
•Growing networks (national and
international) for practitioners,
research and policy development
• Increasing governmental policy
support BUT policy paradigms far
behind socio-economic models being
Literature Review
• European Union and national policy
initiatives in Europe: social economy
unit in European Commission; crossgovernment frameworks; enabling
legislation in Spain, Italy, UK.
• Similar initiatives including
constitutional reform amongst South
American nations
• US initiatives on Social Innovation,
social and CED financing
Literature Review
“There is a growing global movement
to advance concepts and frameworks
of the Social Economy (SE) as a way
to address increasing inequality of
social, health, economic and
ecological conditions, to provide
alternative solutions to the perceived
failure of neo-liberal dominated
globalisation and to address the
weakening social capital of
communities.” p.10
Literature Review
“the level of development that the
sector achieves is directly correlated
to the nature of the supportive
environment, the strength of the
sector infrastructure, and government
commitment toward enabling the
development of this environment and
infrastructure through policy,
programming, and funding.” p. 35
from Adeler, 2009.
Literature Review
Range of policy outcomes being
• “Species capacity to act for fusion
of economic, social and ecological
• Ending poverty and social exclusion
• Addressing climate change, peak oil
and ecological sustainability “relocalizing”
• Changing economic systems of
Typology of Policy
• Territorial (community and regional)
development, urban and rural
• Inclusion for disadvantaged
populations (work integration,
training and “insertion”, immigrant
settlement, women and gendered
• Human, social and economic
development (micro-credit, local
currencies, social enterprises, social
financing, procurement)
Typology of Policy
• Unique role of SE in sectors:
• Health care; community social and
cultural services ; education;
agriculture/food; housing; fair trade &
ethical consumption; sustainable
resource management; renewable
energy; child care; home care
• Indigenous Development
• Sustainable development and
ecological stewardship
Typology of Policy
• Constitutional measures that
guarantee rights in a plural economy
(Ecuador, Bolivia.)
• Political responsibility and structure
across government (e.g. Brazil)
•Legislation of state requirements and
structures to support the SE (Brazil)
•Policy framework explicitly
supporting SE by government
(Quebec, EU, Belgium)
Typology of Policy
• Program funding to SE
organizations (EU, Quebec, Manitoba)
• Supports for social enterprise
development, and sector-wide
• Legislation of legal forms for SE
organizations (Mexico, Brazil, UK,
• Access to capital, financial and tax
• Procurement policies advantaging
Typology of Policy
Program funding for which SE
organizations are eligible
•Policy and program initiatives
supportive of SE organizations role in
particular sectors (e.g. coops &
energy Ontario)
• Policy and program initiatives
supportive of components of the SE
but not the whole sector/system (e.g.
CDI Canada)
Co-Construction Analysis
• Higher end governmental policy
advances linked to united movement
of SE actors
• Key components in building that
• Building identity and self recognition
within a wider movement/system with
shared values
• Credible public face related to public
interest (not self interest) – “valeur
• Purposeful inclusion of labour, social
Co-Construction Analysis
Key Components
• Sector owned structure for
representation and co-construction of
• Relevant research providing
evidence for public policy
• Systematic advancement of mutual
benefits across component subsectors (coops, non profits, credit
unions, civil society associations)
• What key policy initiatives could
further develop the social economy ?
• How can we build greater
cooperation on influencing policy
amongst actors in the social
economy ?
• What research products –
engagement could support your
policy advocacy ?
• What do colleagues working in
government need ?
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