Transcript Document

Large Loss and
Business Development
Taking Your Business to the Next Level
Introduction and Welcome
Thank you and Welcome from Business
 Expectations
 Our Host
 Housekeeping
 General schedule and agenda
 Networking opportunities
 What two things do you want to learn?
 What can you share
Event Sponsors
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a
d e c o m p re s s o r
a re n e e d e d t o s e e t h i s p i c t u re .
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A Word About JC Restoration
"The people who receive the most are the ones who
give the most. This is true of individuals, but also for
businesses. If the focus is on how can we give the
absolute best service, then the profits will follow. If a
company is only focused on profits, they miss the big
picture and will always be scurrying for business
instead of having clients chasing them."
Susan Bagyura Author of the just released book, The Visionary Leader:
How To Inspire Success From The Top Down
JC Restoration
 Business Mentors client in 2000
 One of the best Large Loss Contactors
 A resource for other restoration contractors
 Track record of success
 Presented Information as part of the ELC
 “Let’s do something together”
 Why share this information?
 Quality people doing the right thing
 Employees here to share
Phil Rosebrook Sr
 22 Years Restoration Experience
 President and Founding Partner Business
 Lifetime Entrepreneurial Experience
Thoughts on Excellence, leadership and
Our Purpose
"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the
ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when
it ought to be done, whether you like it or not."
Thomas Huxley 1825-1895, Biologist and Educator
 Why are you here?
 Why are you running your company?
 What is your motivation?
How do you Define Success
"Learn to enjoy every
minute of your life. Be
happy now. Don't wait
for something outside of
yourself to make you
happy in the future.
Think how really
precious is the time you
have to spend, whether
it's at work or with your
family. Every minute
should be enjoyed and
Earl Nightingale 1921-1989, Radio
Announcer, Author and Speaker
Your Business - Your Legacy
Are you building something that lives
beyond you and your involvement?
 Your family
 Your employees
 Your community
 Does it all matter?
Leadership more than anything separates the
exceptional from the average
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Characteristics of Effective Leadership
What separates good from great?
 Proactive
 Positive
 Character
 Vision
 Action
 Effective communicators
 Commitment to Excellence
Proactive vs. Reactive
How are you spending your time and
 Shared vision
 Defined expectations
 Move beyond the urgent to the important
 Focus on high impact activities
 Planning and goals
“I need a hero”
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"If your actions
inspire others
to dream
more, learn
more, do more
and become
more, you are
a leader.” John
Quincy Adams
“People of Character do
the right thing not
because they want to
change the world but
because they refuse to
be changed by the
Michael Josephson
Inspire others by looking beyond the
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 What matters
 Inspires greatness
 What makes you
different and better?
 People want to be a
part of something
bigger than themselves
 Results
Do you score touchdowns or run between
the 10’s?
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Great Communicators
 Be Excellent
 Clear and consistent
 Inspire others
 Walk the talk - verbal
and non-verbal
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Why be average?
“Economic results do not
go to minor players in a
… market but to leaders
Unless it has… a
leadership position, a
business, a product or a
service becomes
marginal…” It is either
lead or fail.
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Leadership, Excellence and Success
 Become a student of Leadership
 Communicate your message and craft your
 Why would you do anything else?
 What are you working for? Define it and
achieve it!
Leadership, Excellence and Success
Here’s to your Success
Next up - Warner Cruz
Are you ready for that next
large loss?