Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

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Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Is it for me?
• Event management and marketing
• Fronto temporal dementia
• ‘I would like to meet people in a similar situation’
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
• CST developed by team at UCL
• ‘Treatment for people with mild to moderate
• …The effects of CST appear to be of a
comparable size to those reported with the
currently available anti-dementia drugs.’
What is it?
• CST a fun programme of activity sessions,
designed to improve well-being and confidence
• Sessions cover topics including food, current
affairs, using money and word games
• Implicit learning rather than explicit teaching
• Multi-sensory stimulation is used
Sample session - Food
• Opening (10 minutes)
• All members individually welcomed to the group
by name
• Draw attention to the name of the group
• Remind everyone of the activity in the last
session. As a group, sing together the group’s
‘theme song’, led by song leader (use song book
or CD).
• Discuss day, month, year, season, weather,
time, name and address of the centre (use
• Discuss something currently in the news (use
newspaper, magazine or photograph)
• Warm up
• Play softball game for a few minutes –people
may either state their own name, or, for the
more able, the name of the person they are
throwing the ball to. As the main activity is going
to be food ask members to say their most or
least favourite food when catching the ball.
• MAIN ACTIVITY (25 to 30 minutes).
• Suggested activities:
 Taste foods like cream soda, ginger beer, bread
pudding, Bovril
 Brainstorm food categories e.g. soups; meats;
puddings; fish; vegetables).
 Complete names of food items e.g. Yorkshire X;
Bakewell X; self-raising X; name a food beginning
with a particular letter.
 Using priced real or miniature replica groceries
give people a budget and a scenario to plan, e.g.
dinner for four or categorise the foods e.g special
occasions, savoury / sweet.
• CLOSING (10 to 15 minutes)
• Thank everyone individually for attending and
contributing to the session.
• Summarise the discussion and ideas raised –
seek feedback
• Sing theme song again
• Reminder of time and content of next session
• Farewells
How was it developed?
• Systematic review of the literature on the main
non-pharmacological therapies
• Reality Orientation
• Reminiscence Therapy
• Cognitive Rehabilitation
• Validation Therapy
• Multisensory Stimulation
12 month pilot with Age Concern Horsham
Trained by Dr Spector
Funded by Awards for All
Recruited from the community
Carers course alongside
Very promising results
UCL based research- people with
• ‘I noticed people becoming more fluent and you
could see people trying to express themselves
• ‘we just enjoyed ourselves there’s an awful lot of
• ‘it helped all of us know we were in the same
• ‘I can relax, the use of the visual aids helps think
things through, we share the same problem and
all like coming otherwise we wouldn’t be here.’
UCL based research - carers
• ‘There is no argument that my wife’s brighter’
• ‘He enjoyed being with other people he could
relate to’
• ‘She’s started remembering things since coming
to the group’
• ‘The value of the group has been to make him
more animated and motivated’
Who is it for?
• Recommended by NICE for people with all types
mild-moderate dementia regardless of any antidementia prescription
• Flexible should be tailored to suit capabilities
and interests
• For people with learning difficulties
• First language
• Young onset dementia
Where could it be run?
• Day hospitals, GP surgeries and memory clinics
• Community locations by voluntary sector
• Sheltered housing and care homes
How is it done?
• Courses can be run from guide: Making a
• Facilitators - activity coordinators, psychologists,
dementia care advisors, nurses,
psychotherapists, occupational therapists.
• Open training is available through For Dementia
• In-house training can be arranged through Dr
Aimee Spector at
When can you start?
CST is available now
Simple to set up and run
Ongoing support - live well and independently
The initial course is 14 sessions run twice weekly
Continue with a weekly programme – MCST
The course also provides an umbrella for carers
education, professional and peer support and
regular short respite.
• Funding?
Why CST?
• National Dementia Strategy – objectives &
• Early intervention
• Community personal support services
• New deal for carers
• Living well in care homes and effective
• Jointly commissioned.
Why else?
Great introduction to day services
Positive, pro-active, self management
Validated hard work of staff
Interesting, stimulating, easy & measurable
Informed learning and development – care plans
Compelling economic argument
• ‘Early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimers
Disease are not only socially desirable in terms
of increasing economic efficiency, but also
fiscally attractive from both state and federal
perspectives...failure to fund effective caregiver
interventions may be fiscally unsound’.
• (Sager M, weimer D (2009). Early identification and treatment of alzheimer's disease:
social and fiscal outcomes. Alzheimer's & dementia: the journal of the alzheimer's
association. Doi:10.1016/j.Jalz.2009.01.028.
Next Steps?
How can we increase access to CST
CST - further information:
• - guide book £15 incl
• - next open course
4.2.10 £110pp
• [email protected]
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