Transcript Slide 1

Automatic Generation Control for Contract Based
Our project deals with designing an AGC module that can be used as a teaching tool. This includes
using current AGC schemes that must analyze the performance of a control area under different
operating conditions. This project necessitates that text and diagrams be integrated into a single
module. MATLAB will also be used to identify the process’ ability to regulate within NERC guidelines.
Below is a block diagram of a typical AGC controller. The system measures the output of the all
electrical generators. It also measures the frequency at a satellite location in the system. Finally, it
measures the tie flows between interconnected systems. Taking all those measurements, the AGC
calculates the amount of power increase needed at each generator to supply the customer load. The
power is increased by opening steam valves at the generator and resetting the governor of the
turbine. The process runs continuously in real time.
Proposed Approach
Functional requirements
Automatic generation control is the center control for power output of the generators, and
shall have three major requirements:
Frequency: To maintain system frequency at or nearest to 60 Hz
Power Flow: To monitor and maintain a balance of input and output power between
control areas
Power Generation, Operation, & Control
Economic Dispatch: To keep each unit’s generation at the least cost. The economic
dispatch calculations must carry out once every few minutes
Allen J. Wood
Technical Approach
This project will require heavy research into automatic generation control. Included in this
will be research from the internet, library, and academic writing. The main goal here is to
keep the frequency at a nominal value with constraints considerations. The system is
receiving input signals from measurements and sending signals to the generators.
Steady state differential equation(s) will be derived that describe the relationship
between input and output. This equation then can be testing by using SimuLink and
Problem Statement
The general problem of this project is to produce a PowerLearn Module for training or
educational purposes. A useable model for AGC will be produced. It will be integrate
text, diagrams, and MATLAB instructions into a complete learning experience for the
Intended Users
Testing Requirements
The system testing approach shall be based off of the data provided to us the author
of Power Generation, Operation, & Control. The tests shall include the discovery of
system problems. The testing shall involve system response to a change in frequency.
How fast the system can bring the frequency back to nominal with the most economic
conditions will be analyzed. Testing of the MATLAB code will be done by the team
o Electrical engineering student
o Electrical engineering professors
Intended Use
Resource Requirement
o Electrical engineering student
o Electrical engineering professors
Personal Effort
o We will assume a model of a combined cycle generation plant
o A system with a maximum of 3 generators
o A system comprised of 2 interconnected areas
o MATLAB Controller
o PowerLearn Module
Team Members
Mark Tiemeier
Team Leader
Electrical Engineer
[email protected]
Cam Bui
Team Member
Electrical Engineer
[email protected]
Chanh Bui
Team Member
Electrical Engineer
[email protected]
Peter Rufino
Team Member
Electrical Engineer
[email protected]
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University
Gerald Sheble
Professor of Electrical Engineering
[email protected]
Financial Resources