Expressionism & Abstract Expressioniam

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The Studio In Art Final Exam is
scheduled for June 9th at 8am.
There are 55 school days left to prepare!
Do NOT count on review time in class!
Friday, MARCH 28!!!
-Review previous exams
- Add Sculpture AND critique
Major Concepts/Terminology/Art history left to cover:
Properties of Artworks - Characteristics to classify art – degree of realism or
abstraction. Subject, time period, style or movement, medium.
What are important qualities in artworks. And why people disagree on how
art should be defined.
Art Criticism – how to organize and write a successful art critique. Based on
the four parts – description, analysis, interpretation and judgment.
Linear Perspective – Terminology review
Art history left to cover:
• Expressionism
• Abstract Expressionism
• Cubism / Surrealism
• Op Art/ Pop Art
• Color Field/ Photo Realism
• Art of Asia and middle east
• Art of Africa
• Art of the Americas
Late 1800’s – early 19th century
•Intention NOT to reproduce the subject
•EMPHASIS on the expression of inner
most feelings.
•Harsh colors and flat surfaces; emotion
distorting form
•Artists did not focus on creating “pretty
Famous Expressionists
Vincent Van Gogh
Edvard Munch
Henri Matisse
Vincent Van Gogh
Said to have eaten paint, because he spent his money on paint instead of food.
painted Starry Night and Irises from an asylum
dead at 37
Completed 2100 works of art in his short life
"Irises" sold for a record $53.9 million, and his
"Portrait of Dr. Gachet" sold for $82.5 million.
Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night
Vincent Van Gogh, Sunflowers
Edvard Munch
The Scream, 1893
• Admired Impressionism….and miserably
failed to emulate it’s style.
• After numerous experiments, Munch
concluded that the Impressionist idiom
did not allow sufficient expression.
• Munch explored his own emotional and
psychological state -, Munch began a
“soul diary” to help him move to a new
view of his art.
The Sick Child (1886), based on his sister's
death, was his first "soul painting", his first
break from Impressionism.
Edvard Munch
The Sick Child, 1886.
Edvard Munch Death in the Sickroom. c. 1895
Leader of the Fauvist Style of Expressionism
Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond
1910, the movement as such lasted only a few years, 1904–1908
The paintings expressed emotion with wild, often dissonant
colors, without regard for the subject's natural colors…..
Henri Matisse
Abstract Expressionism
Same characteristics of Expressionism
Artists expressed themselves purely with FORM and COLOR
Major Players:
Jackson Pollock
Wassily Kandinsky
Franz Marc
Franz Kline
Jackson Pollock
He broke the mold in 1947 with his drip and splash style.
Not only was he a famous painter and artist during his own time,
Jackson Pollock also led a number of movements, which
followed him, even after his death. To this day he is known as a
leader in the most important art movements during his lifetime,
and possibly during the 20th century in American art forms.
Artist of the most
expensive painting in
the world in 2006,
“No. 5” (1948), that
sold for
One of Pollock’s early pieces
The Moon Woman Cuts the Circle. 1942
“The risks Pollock took, and the creative approaches he took, led future artists to create with passion, as opposed to trying to follow
set boundaries or guidelines, which have been laid out by the art world of his life time.”
Pollock laid the foundation for non-objective artists through the present time….
Number One (Lavender Mist), 1950
Wassily Kandinsky
inspired by Monet
Said to be the first artist to create
purely non-objective works,
Fascinated by color and color
Early-period work,
Munich-Schwabing with the
Church of St. Ursula . 1908
On White II. 1923
Points. 1920
Wassily Kandinsky's Composition VII, 1913.
Franz Marc
His work is characterized by:
Bright primary color
Almost Cubist portrayal of animals
Simple yet exudes a profound sense of emotion
emotional purpose to the colors he used
blue would be used for masculinity and spirituality, yellow
represented feminine joy and red encased the sound of violence.
Rote Rehe I (Red Deer I) sold for $3.30m, in 1998
Der Wasserfall (The Waterfall) was sold by Sotheby's in London
to a private collector for $5.06m – record set for most amount
paid for 20th century German painting.
Franz Kline
American painter born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
Named an “action painter’ like Pollock
Actually He would prepare many draft sketches—
notably, commonly on refuse telephone book pages—
before going to make his "spontaneous" work.
A lot of his work was in black on white
Black Reflection (1956)
Painting Number 2, 1954