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British Policies Graphic Organizer
Nelson Sanchez
6th period
Social Studies
Navigation Acts
Control of trade, Sugar Acts, Special courts,
Currency Act, and stifling colonial
manufacturing resentment
Proclamation of 1763
Passed after the French and Indian War by King
George III. It recognized the Indian rights to
the Ohio River Valley. Colonists cannot go pass
the Appalachian Mountains. It was issued in
Currency Acts
Assumed control of the colonial currency
system. Resement continued to grow.
Stamp Act
Taxed on all paper goods, and organized a
Declaratory Act
Parlament had full control of authority over the
13 colonies
Quartering Act
Standing army of soldiers with blank search
warrants. Required colonists to quarter or
house and feed British soldiers. Increased
Tension between the colonists and the British.
Townshend Acts
Pay taxes on imported tea, glass, paper, and
other items. Women organized Daughters of
Liberty. The British wanted to show they had
power to tax. Their anger grew against British
Boston Massacre
March 5, 1770, angry colonists argued with
British soldiers. Shots were fired and 5
colonists were killed. Samuel Adams infuence
the incident as a public opinion.
Tea Act/Boston Tea Party
The only company who was allowed to sell tea
was British East India company. Colonists were
unhappy because they were force to pay.
December 16, 1773, Sons of Liberty diquised
as Mohawk Indians illegally. They got on a
boat and dump 243 crates of tea into the
Boston Harbor.
Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
These Acts were an effort to make colonists to
pay for the tea and to keep planning attacks.
Revolutionary spirit through the country.