New Taxes and Tensions

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New Taxes and Tensions
The Story Continues
• Colonists happy that Stamp Act was
• Colonists still have problems with
The Townshend Acts
• Townshend Acts – taxes on
imported glass, paint, paper and tea
The Townshend Acts
• Writs of assistance – tax collectors
can check for stolen/hidden goods
• Colonists: “This violates our rights!!”
The Townshend Acts
• Daughters of Liberty – women who
supported boycotting, or not buying
British goods
Abigail Adams
The Townshend Acts
• “I hope we would sooner wrap
ourselves in sheep and goatskin
than buy English goods of a people
who have insulted us in such a
scandalous way.”
- Anonymous Daughter of Liberty
The Townshend Acts
• A ship, The Liberty, is seized by a
British tax collector on suspicion of
The Townshend Acts
• Sons and Daughters of Liberty begin
attacking British again
• British send their troops over to restore
The Boston Massacre
• British soldiers looked upon as the
• Boston Massacre - A fight breaks out
between colonists and British soldiers
and British soldiers shoot and kill
American colonists
The Boston Massacre
• propaganda –info giving only on
one side of an argument
• How could Americans use this event
as Propaganda?
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
• British troops put on trial
 Troops acted out of self defense
 2 soldiers convicted of killing
and were branded on hand
The Tea Act
• Tea Act - England ends all taxes
except tax on tea because it is in such
high demand
The Tea Act
• Colonists do not like this act because
they fear that British tea companies
will put us out of business
The Tea Act
• Sons of Liberty : “Tea ships in Boston
harbor to leave ASAP”
• BOSTON TEA PARTY - Colonists
dressed as American Indians attack
ships and dump 342 chests of tea in
Tax on Tea
The Tea Act
The Boston Tea Party
The Intolerable Acts
• Britain outraged!!!! They pass the
Intolerable Acts:
1. Boston Harbor CLOSED until pay for tea
2. British officials accused of crimes sent to
Britain for trial. Why???
The Intolerable Acts
3.QUARTERING ACT – colonists must
house and feed British soldiers
The Intolerable Acts
• British hoped that this would teach the
colonies a lesson
• It only made colonists angrier
• Colonists come together to create a