6. How to write a report.

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Transcript 6. How to write a report.

Report Writing
Report Writing
Lesson Objectives
In these lessons you will learn:
• what a report is
• the aim of writing a report
• how to set out a report
• standard formats for reports
• how to write and present your own report
Report Writing
•A report is a presentation of facts and findings,
usually as a basis for recommendations; written for
a specific readership, and probably intended to be
kept as a record.
•A report has three core sections
–Introduction : which sets out the purpose of the report
and what it hopes to achieve
– Main body : which contains the body of evidence
presented in the report. The main body of the report may
be divided into several sub-sections.
– Conclusion : which summarizes the findings of the
report and, where appropriate, makes recommendations.
Report Writing
Blocking Out a Report
Main Body
Report Writing
Each of the sections of the report MUST be given a heading and in
complex reports it is usual to number each section as well. So a report
might look like this:
1. Introduction
2. Section 1 of my report
1.1 Sub sections can be numbered
1.2 Or paragraphs can also be numbered.
2. This is section 2 of my report
2.1 This is section 2.1
2.2 This is section 2.2
This is section 2.2.1
3. This is section 3 of my report
4. Conclusion
Your report must end with a conclusion and/or recommendations.
Report Writing
Headings Mini Task
Assume that you have been tasked with writing a report
about the problems or dangers of playing computer games.
Block out your report indicating what you would put in each
section of the report.
Main Body
Report Writing
Your Audience
Reports are usually written for a specific audience
or target group and are rarely written to be read by
everyone in the general public.
You have to be careful though that you do not
overestimate or underestimate your reader's
knowledge and blind them with science or bore
them to tears.
Report Writing
Selecting our material
The two golden rules to follow when deciding what
to put into a report are:
a) Simplify, and be ruthless about it. Reject the irrelevant,
and make sure you've got the essential.
b) Justify your conclusions with facts, and state their
sources. Build the facts into a logical and consistent
case, so as to lead the reader to the same conclusions as
your own.
Report Writing
It is quite normal (and often helpful) to use tables,
graphs, bar charts, or other diagrams in a report to
help make data or ideas clear to the reader. In your
exam answer you will be expected to use at least one
chart or table.
Set your report out generously. Use wide margins;
space out paragraphs; and indent subheadings. It
makes the report much easier for the reader to read
and understand and will make a big difference to the
mark you get in the exam.
Report Writing
Exam Mark Scheme
• Layout and clarity of presentation – 5 marks
• Introduction – 5 Marks
• Main Body – 20 marks
• Conclusion – 10 Marks
• Use of graphs and tables – 5 marks
• Spelling Punctuation & Grammar – 5 marks
Total 50 Marks
Report Writing
The Task
From the information presented in the Global Warming
PowerPoint and your own research, write a report
which outlines the effect that global warming is having
on the planet.
Note: You must use at least one image and one chart in
your report.
This report will count as a project assignment for this
half semester and must be submitted by Wed 17 April.
Report Writing
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