The Famous Places Of Kyiv

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The Famous Places Of Ukraine
Interesting information for English
By Katerina Kernosenko
Form 8
School №3
Novi Retrivtsi
• The Golden Gate, built by Yaroslav
the Wise in 1164 - a symbol of
Kiev, the famous monument of the
formation of the first Slavic state Kievan Rus', and one of the oldest
specimens of architecture and
fortification technology, which
has been preserved to our time.
The Opera House in Lviv
• Lviv Theatre of Opera and
Ballet. S.Krushelnitskoy - a
work of art of the NeoRenaissance style, which has
become a decoration, not only in
Lviv, but all of Europe.
The Independence Square
• The central square of Kiev. Before
the end of the tenth century, this
area was called Perevesischem
instead of which were forest
undergrowth. In what is now
Independence Square in the XVIII
century were built of stone gates
of the Caves, which lasted until
• Architects V. Gorodetsky was built
in 1901-1902 years. Of all the
houses built in this period, in Kiev,
the most famous house
Gorodetsky. This house, which is
known as the "House of Chimeras,"
shrouded in legends, although he
was only a kind of advertising
opportunities of the new and
modern building materials - cement.
Monument Sunken Ships
• Monument to the flooded ships in
Sevastopol was erected in memory
of the ships, sacrificed to cover
Sevastopol raid from the AngloFrench-Turkish attacks from the
• Sunken Ships Monument able to
survive an earthquake, which was in
1927, the explosion of influence
mines, which exploded very close
June 22, 1941.
Great Patriotic War Museum
• The museum is a memorial, which
is located on the picturesque
slopes of the right bank of the
Dnieper in Pechersk, one of the
historic districts.
• The Synevyr - the largest lake in the
Ukrainian Carpathians.
• Synevyr is most interesting object of
the national park "Synevyr" and is
one of the business cards of the
Ukrainian Carpathians.
St. Andrew's Church
• St. Andrew's Church laid Petrovnav Empress
Elizabeth in 1744, in gratitude to fate, which
gave her a Ukrainian guy Olexa Rozum, who
became her husband and Count Razumovsky. The
church was built in 1753 on the project