How I met myself message and themes (74548)

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Transcript How I met myself message and themes (74548)

Workbook page 64 - 76
Theme of the story
Family love*
Handling challenges*
Showing care and concern between spouses
Being helpful*
Showing kindness
Being good parents
Being diligent/working hard
Moral values
Persistence and determination*
Hard work and diligence*
We must be persistent in what we do
We have to be loyal to our spouses
We must be courageous in dealing with challenges.
We must be diligent to complete our endeavour
We must show compassion for others
In answering the questions, you suppose to answer in
1 paragraph in less than 50 words.
You will be given one component of question and
then you have to give evidence from the texts.
Evidence means reference from the texts.
The evidence may not be in exact words from the
texts but the content or information is.
One component, three or four evidences are
Sample – page 81 Practice 2.
The character I like the most is John
(component). I like him the most because he is a loving
father and husband like he didn’t tell Andrea about
the information he gained about the doppelganger
because he knew it will hurt Andrea (1). John also is
an intelligent man because he can connect all the clues
he saw and piece all the information together about
the doppelganger (2). Moreover, he is persistent
because he waited at Felka utca to meet his
doppelganger again and search for information
Your work.
Page 83, Practice 6.
Refer your event to the end (climax) when John
heard the explosion at Felka utca.
Practice 6
I find that the most exciting event was when
John heard the explosion in Felka utca. There was a
suspense of whether Andrea and Kati were involved
in the explosion. When John reached Zsolt’s café, the
place was burning leaving me wonder if Andrea and
Kati survived the disaster. John’s actions and
expressions when he searched for his family made me
sad and worried for him. When the firemen forbids
John from entering the café and he walked away
made me as disappointed as he was.