To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 10: Diagnosing a Disease

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Transcript To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 10: Diagnosing a Disease

Honors English 9
Mrs. Malaspino
Chapter 10: An allegory
An allegory is an extended form of symbolism, in
which an entire story, or in this case, an entire
chapter in the novel, may be seen as symbolic.
Each character or incident in the chapter may be
interpreted as a symbol, all leading to a deeper
understanding of the message the author intended.
Atticus to Jack Finch,
discussing the Tom Robinson trial:
“I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout
through it without bitterness, and most of all,
without catching Maycomb’s usual disease.
Why reasonable people go stark raving mad
when anything involving a Negro comes up, is
something I don’t pretend to understand.”
 (Chapter 9, p. 117)
Examine the evidence
As you view the film clip and re-read chapter
10, record the major actions that each of the
following characters or groups takes.
 Calpurnia
 Sheriff
Heck Tate
 Atticus
 Neighbors
After reviewing the scene on film and
in the text, determine what each of
the following might symbolize:
The “mad” dog (Tim Johnson)
Maycomb’s usual disease
Sheriff Heck Tate
Heck giving Atticus the gun
Atticus dropping his glasses
Neighbors hiding behind closed doors
Atticus’ nick-name: “One-Shot Finch”
Dead dog remaining dangerous
Drawing a conclusion
Examine all of the evidence you have gathered.
What message do you think Harper Lee is
expressing in this chapter? Why? To what extent is
this theme relevant to the novel as a whole so far?
Cite examples to support your claim.