File - Detroit Public Safety Academy

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Transcript File - Detroit Public Safety Academy

School Name: Detroit Public Safety
Location: 1250 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit,
MI 48216
Phone: (313) 965-5916
Fax: (313) 965-6938
• School starts promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Monday through Friday.
• Monday through Thursday
students are released at 3:15 p.m.
• On Fridays dismissal is at 2:20 p.m.
Detroit Public Safety Academy, in partnership
with our community, will provide a safe,
innovative and nurturing environment where
students are valued and treated with dignity and
respect as staff prepare and engage them in
meaningful, differentiated learning experiences
that will promote distinguishable character and
workforce success, particularly in the public safety
Detroit Public Safety Academy will:
• become the high school of choice because of its academic rigor and
by meeting and/or exceeding ACT and MME standards
• attain a 90 percent graduation rate by 2017
• embed character education into the curriculum: trustworthiness,
respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship
• involve all levels of law enforcement and firefighter professionals
as mentors, coaches and teachers
• reduce disparity in the public safety field by encouraging larger
numbers of women and students of color to consider these fields
• provide a service learning component that assists local
communities to become healthier through volunteering
~D.P.S.A website
Isaiah Pettway , our school
Dedicated, leader, and respectful, are a
few of the many words the students,
staff and administration would use to
describe our school leader. He teaches a
class called character education this class
teaches us life skill, respect and how to
mold our character. He spends his lunch
attending important meetings, and
gatherings about funding for our
school. He also motivates the students to
strive and do their best.
D.P.S.A serves the best catered
healthy lunch. In our cafeteria
it is optional for students to
purchase healthy snacks, and
beverage's from our vending
machines. Also, we have other
snacks in our cafeteria if the
student do not like what’s
being served. Mrs. Sanders (our
lunch aid) has rules about us
leaving the lunch room without
permission for our safety, also
so that we are not accused of
skipping. In order to leave the
cafeteria you must have a pass
from a staff in the building.
Baked potato chips
Health Bars
Rice Crispy Treats
Pop Tarts
Chocolate Milk
Detroit Public Safety Academy is a school
that you should enroll your child into. We
are located near several bus routes for
students who's parents or guardians aren’t
able to provide daily transportation. If bus
fair is also a problem, you are able to contact
someone in the main office who will do their
best to get some help to provide for the child.
Bus routes are also available if needed. Our
school is currently in the process of making
D.P.S.A go from grades 7-11.
Here at D.P.S.A we do monthly raffles where students are eligible to
receive a visa gift card. Every students name is entered into the raffle,
but for each blue positive behavior referral you receive more tickets
enter into the raffle, giving you a better advantage to win. If you
receive an orange referral for bad behavior you will not be a part of
the raffle for that month.
How to obtain
 Consistency of doing
work (on task)
 Good citizenship
 Leader Ship skills
 Good Attendance
 Behavior
$25 visa gift card
$50 visa gift card
Positive behavior referral
Some teachers give personal
gifts on the side
Here at D.P.S.A we have several extra curriculum activities, more will
be available in the upcoming school years. So far we only have:
 Basketball
 Football
 Volleyball
 Student council
 Cheerleading
 Track
As more students come in, we listen to what students want. We take
their ideas of activities, and extra curriculum and bring them to reality.
We build our school together. Several students have came up with
many ideas, such as a debate team. We are trying our best to bring
more here at D.P.S.A for our students.
 From left to right you have
MS. DeGain , Mr. Pettway
, Mr. Cooper , MS. Sulinski
, Ms. Braswell , and Ms.
 The staff here at Detroit Public Safety Academy are
some of the most caring and loving people ever. They
push their students to strive and do their best. They
turn the students goals into their goals. If students
goals are to go to college, then the teachers goals are to
help the student achieve their goals.
Ms. Nicole Sulinski
Ms. Nicole Sulinski is the English 9&10 teacher here at D.P.S.A she is the best of the
best. She works with all students to make sure they are performing well, and up to
date on grades. Everyday she has a smile on her face, giving students a warm
welcome into her class.
Ms. Amanda Silic
Ms. Silic is the biology/chemistry/forensic science teacher for 9th and 10 th graders
at Detroit Public Safety Academy.
Coach Ronald Booth
Coach Booth is our gym teacher and sports coach he is the best at his job he doesn’t
let anyone think they can fail he, pushes you to strive to be the best .
He makes sure all athletes are on task with their athletics, and school work.
 D.P.S.A offers a College
Dual Enrollment class
which allows students to
earn college credits for
their years in college. We
also offer classes that
prepare students in the
fields of EMT, police
officers, fire department
and more.