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Transcript CommuncationTheory

 Source
 Message
 Channel
 Receivers
 Environment
Why are these variables important?
 Pervasive--meaning
people are looking for a
meaning, even when a message is not
deliberately sent
 Amoral—ethically
Process is neutral, the people involved provide
the morality of lack of it
 Agenda-advancing—meaning
is used to influence others to think, feel, or
act in certain ways
 Logos—logical
“Listen to my message because it makes sense.
 Pathos—emotional
“Listen to my message because of the feelings it
 Ethos—credibility;
deals with speaker’s
competence and trustworthiness
“Listen to my message because I am a competent
and trustworthy person.”
 Logos
Be well organized
Use credible evidence
Clearly present your evidence
Use consistent arguments
 Provide
specific examples and stories
 Show your audience why they should care
about your topic
 If
you have expertise in your topic, describe
it to your audience
 Clearly cite the qualifications of your sources
 Be well-prepared, organized, and
appropriately dressed
 Present your message in an honest and
trustworthy fashion
Oxfam Fair Trade Clips
Jessica Simpson---Proactiv Advertisement
The Smile Train Ad
 Researchers
found that listeners spend a lot
of mental energy carefully attending to some
messages and very little processing others
Central route processing—effortful scrutiny of the
Peripheral route—receivers give brief attention to
the message
ELM is based on the premise that those who are
both motivated and able are more likely to
engage in elaborative processing.