Plateau Yakima Indians - Big Walnut Local Schools

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Transcript Plateau Yakima Indians - Big Walnut Local Schools

By: Allyssa Bixler, Chloe McKenzie,
Lindsey Stein, Abby Hammers
The Yakima Indians lived in villages of underground winter
houses sometimes known as “pit houses.”These homes
are built partly underground, with a basement like living
space dug from the ground and a dome shaped wooden
frame built over it and packed with earth. Their houses
were small (about 15 feet across)and only a single family
lived in each one. In the summer during hunting, like the
Plains people they had portable teepees.
They ate the following foods:
Deer and Elk
Small Game
Camas (a type of lily)
 Men hunted for food, farmed, skinned
animals, made bows and arrows, and taught
young boys how to do all that stuff.
 Women cooked the food, picked berries,
made clothes, made clay pots, made woven
baskets, cleaned, and taught young girls how
to do all that stuff.
They had very cold winters and hot summers.
The average heating degrees is 49.8 during the
months of January through December.
The average cooling degrees is 36.9 during the
months of January through December.
 The Yakima Indians used the following tools:
 Fishing nets
 Spears
 Bows and arrows
 Wooden fish traps
 Hunting dogs
 Shields made from Elk to protect them in war
The Yakima Indians used the following for
By Birch-Bark canoe to get across lakes or any
type of body of water
By foot
By horse
Kids Lives
 Play with other children
 Go to school
 Help around the house
 Fish
 Chores
 Play with Buckskin dolls and other toys and
games depending on their moms culture
Basket hats used to put objects or food in and
also used for hats.
Digging sticks are used to dig up roots from
the ground.
Arrowheads are used for making objects and
for hunting.
 They wore different clothes on different
accessions like celebrations.
 They also wore beaded clothes.
 Yakima men wore breech clouts with leggings
 Short buckskin shirts with patterns and holes
punched in them
 Women wore buckskin dresses decorated with
beads and quillwork
 Moccasins
 Fur robes and hats
Various of plants and animals survived on the
The Plateau included parts of Northwestern
states and British Columbia.
The Plateau had plenty of water, provided by
the large Columbia and Fraser Rivers.
The Plateau cultural region lay between the
Cascade and Rocky Mountains.