Homeland Integration(Missions and Authorities)

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Homeland Integration:
Missions and Authorities
Norm Cotton
Homeland Integration Working Group
Governance Innovation for Security and Development
Protecting the Homeland
• By law, DOD is responsible for two missions in the homeland:
Homeland Defense (HD) and Defense Support of Civil
Authorities (DSCA), (JP 3-27 Homeland Defense)
• Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) is support provided
by US federal military forces, DOD civilians, DOD contract
personnel, DOD component assets, and National Guard (NG)
forces in response to request for assistance from civil
authorities for domestic emergencies, Law Enforcement (LE)
support, and other domestic activities, or from qualifying
entities for special events. (JP 3-27)
Joint Staff (DOMS)
Military Departments
Council of Governors*
& Control
* Mechanism for governors and
key officials to address HD/DSCA
matters (POTUS appoints).
** Stafford Act authorizes the
president to declare a "major
disaster" or "emergency,”,
providing access to disaster relief
assistance and funds as
appropriated by Congress. The
president may declare an
emergency without a governors
request if the emergency involves
an area of "federal primary
responsibility" (FEMA coordinates)
DSCA Missions
Disaster Relief
Consequence Management
Law Enforcement
Mass Migration
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Response to Terrorist Attack
Disease Eradication
Under what authorities can Army CA forces support these missions?
Use of Army Reserve vs. Active Duty
CA Personnel to Support DSCA
Use of Army Reserve (10 USC 12304a)
• When requested by a Governor during a
Presidentially declared emergency or a
major disaster, SECDEF may call-up for up
AR forces for up to 120 days
• Emergency…“to save lives and to protect
property and public health and safety”
• Major Disasters…”hurricane, tornado,
storm, high water, wind driven water,
tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake,
volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide,
snowstorm, or drought, or, regardless of
cause, any fire, flood, or explosion in the
• “Mass Migration” is probably NOT a DSCA
mission covered by this authority?
Use of Army Reserve (10 USC 12304b)
• When selected by the Service Secretary
to support preplanned missions of the
Combatant Commands (i.e. US
NORTHCOM and USPACOM) , limited to
365 days
• Manpower and costs of such active duty
must be specifically included and
identified in the defense budget
materials for the fiscal year which such
units are anticipated to be activated
• No more than 60K pax at any given time
• Possible “preplanned” DSCA missions:
Counter-narcotics and Mass Migration
Active or USAR Volunteer (10 USC 12304d)
• All Eight DSCA missions (including Mass
Proposed Action Plan
• Cross walk CA Mission Essential Tasks List (METL) with
the eight specified DSCA missions (DODD 5100.01)
• Focus areas for 38G/IMSG support for:
 Mass Migration
 Disaster Relief
• Collaborate with USNORTHCOM and USPACOM to
identify opportunities for proof of concept (38G support
to DSCA using 12304b)
 Foreign Disaster Assistance Planning
 Disaster Mitigation Assessments
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