Transcript Document

Better Care Fund
(previously known as Integration
Transformation Fund)
Eastern Region Housing LIN
Cath Mitchell, Local Chief Officer
Borderline and Peterborough Local Commissioning Group’s
National Context
• Nationally the health and social care system is
under enormous pressure:
- Increasing demand for services with decreasing funding
- Significant increase in emergency care
- Social care not coping with demand, leaving more people
struggling to cope
• The current situation is unsustainable
Local Context
• Fast-growing population with increasing
proportion of frail elderly
• Significant demand for hospital care e.g. nearly
half of hospital care and two fifths of social
care resources used by people >65 years
• Local Authorities and CCG have significant
financial pressures and savings to make
• Services available now are disjointed
The Better Care Fund
• The Better Care Fund (previously known as the Integration
Transformation Fund) was announced in June 2013 as part of
the Treasury Spending Round
• The Government will put money into a pooled budget for
health and social care to work more closely in local areas,
deliver better services to older and disabled people and avoid
unnecessary hospital stays
• This is not new investment – it is a re-allocation of money
currently in health service budgets to transform the pattern
of services
• We have set up a joint project group with Cambridgeshire
County Council and with Peterborough City Council. The plan
has to be submitted mid February 2014
Government Conditions for the BCF
• Plans must:
 Be jointly agreed by the County Council and the CCG and signed off
by the Health and Wellbeing Board
 Show how 7 day services will be introduced in health and social
care to support discharge from hospital and unnecessary
admissions to hospital
 Protect social care services
 Show how better information sharing between the NHS and the
County Council will be introduced, including using people’s NHS
number as their primary identifier
 Set out an approach to joint care assessment and planning and
show the proportion of the population who will receive such
 Set out the impact of changes on the acute sector and show they
have been agreed
Our Vision
• Our long-term shared vision is to:
…bring together all of the public agencies that provide health and social care support,
especially for older people, to co-ordinate services such as health, social care and housing, to
maximise individuals’ access to information, advice and support in their communities, helping
them to live as independently as possible in the most appropriate setting
• Fundamentally, we believe that the Fund should be used for
genuine transformation of the health and social care system, not
to plug a gap in social care or health budgets
• This transformation is about changing the whole system so that it is
focused on supporting people wherever possible with personcentred and professionally-led primary / community / social care,
with the goal of living as independently as possible
• This transformation will require the input of a range of health and
social care providers as well the greater involvement of the
community and voluntary sectors
A developing Model
We propose a model with the following characteristics:
• Investment in community capacity to enable people to meet
their needs with support in their local community
• Coordinated and intelligence-led early identification and
early intervention
• An improved approach to crisis management and recovery
• A united approach to advice and information on community
and public sector services
Which would mean the following…
• Patients and social care users should expect their care plans
and support to be more joined up and sensible
• GP and social worker would be aware of each other’s
• Patient / client support to be short term but high quality and
available again if needed
• Single assessment process and a common way of identifying
risk and outcomes
• Hospital staff to see fewer frail and elderly patients; support
provided in community care settings
• Effective and timely information sharing
Next Steps
We are:
• Assessing the evidence produced by the Public Health Team
of what works well in integrated care
• Identifying projects currently underway which may provide
longer term benefit as part of the Better Care Fund plan e.g.
Multi-Disciplinary Team working
• Engaging with as many key partners and stakeholders as
possible within the timescale available
• Working together to define the initiatives which would be
implemented county-wide