Transcript Slide 1

Greenwich Enhanced
Housing Options Service
Presentation to AHAS
20th March 2009
Jo Beck, EHO Manager
The Greenwich Vision
Greenwich aims to develop services to people who are at risk
of homelessness, and in housing need to:
• Deliver person centred services, tailored to the needs of
individuals whatever their point of contact
• Provide interventions and assistance that prevent
homelessness and offer solutions that are sustainable
• Support vulnerable young people and adults to achieve
• Deliver services that are accessible to customers,
supported by partners and stakeholders
Enhanced Housing Options
Menu including…
• Education Training and Employment (ETE) advice
and opportunities
• Health and well-being
• Financial advice- benefits, multiple debt, mortgage
• Low cost home ownership and intermediate market
rent affordable housing
• Home Improvement Agency and Handypersons
• Tenant Mobility – homeswap, seaside & country, PRS
Audiences and customers
• Potentially homeless households
approaching for options advice
• Housing register applicants,
including overcrowded families
• Website users, including CBL
• Partner agencies and their
customers in housing need
Tackling ‘worklessness’
• Home Employment Connections
portal from Greenwich Homes CBL
• Single Points of Access outreach
• Dedicated ETE advisers for
vulnerable adults
• Co-location with Connexions
• Enhanced Housing Options/ETE
• Better Off in Work Calculations via
Options and Support services
Integrated Young People’s
• ‘One Stop Shop’ with Housing Options and
floating support, Connexions, Substance
Misuse, PCT (Contraceptive and Sexual
Health Clinic), Counselling, YOS, CAMHS
• Management of access to and from YP
accommodation services
• Respite and mediation short stay scheme
• SELHP Peer Education and Schools briefing
Enhanced Housing Options for Vulnerable Adults
• Multi-Agency Substance Misuse and Offender Team
across housing, Probation, DIP and Treatment
• Belmarsh Options Clinic and referral arrangements
with other prisons
• Housing options and support clinics at substance
misuse service centres
• Protocols and partnership arrangements with
partners – mental health, hospital,DV services
• New Trac supported rent deposit scheme provides
private rented accommodation with support
Performance Targets 2009-10
Reduce temporary accommodation to 225 (CLG
target 293)
Prevent 1150 households from becoming
Reduce severe overcrowding by a further 34%,
rehousing 115 families into social, private or
intermediate housing.
Achieve 80 moves for people who are under
occupying Council or RSL accommodation
Place 50 homeless vulnerable adults in private
rented accommodation with support
90% of homeless young people leaving the
service to have engaged with education, training
or employment
15% of workless vulnerable adults to have
engaged with education, training or employment