Intervention and Referral Team (I&RT)

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Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS)
• The I&RS Team meets monthly.
• Members include the principal, classroom teacher, special
education teacher, basic skills teacher and counselor with
other related service providers invited as needed.
• Students can access many general education interventions.
• Strategies with measurable goals are developed to help
students with academic, behavioral or social difficulties.
• Parents are invited to participate in the process and the
classroom teacher keeps them updated on progress.
• Students are either exited from the I&RS Process if goals
are met or, if they are not making progress with general
education interventions, a referral can be made to the Child
Study Team for an evaluation.
General Education Interventions
• Consultation services are always available to general
education teachers from CST or related service
• Academic interventions include Basic Skills support for
language arts and/or math; ESL support; specialized
intervention programs such as RAZ kids or Number
Worlds; Academic After School.
• Social/Behavioral interventions can include counseling,
classwide contingency plans, development of individual
behavior contracts, high school mentors, Big
Brother/Big Sister.
Child Study Team (CST)
• Members of the Child Study Team include a school psychologist, a learning
consultant and a social worker.
• Each building has a case manager from the CST who is responsible for
evaluating students, determining eligibility and making sure that Individual
Education Plans are implemented. This process is all established by
specific legal guidelines.
• After a referral from the I&RS Team or from a parent, the CST will meet
with parents and teachers at an Evaluation Plan meeting to discuss what if
any assessments are needed.
• After assessments are completed, there will be an Eligibility meeting
including CST, teachers and parents to determine if a student meets
criteria to be eligible for special education.
• The state has 14 categories of eligibility. The categories that we tend to
see most often are Autism, Communication Impaired, Emotionally
Disturbed, Other Health Impaired, and Specific Learning Disability.
•If Eligibility is agreed upon, the next step is to develop an Individual
Education Plan (IEP).
•An IEP outlines specific goals for special education and related services as
needed. It also provides accommodations and modifications that a student
might need to be successful in a general education setting.
•A wide range of special education services are considered with the goal of
having the student in the least restrictive setting where they can be
•The IEP establishes goals specific to the student’s needs.
•Accommodations and modifications that the student needs to access the
general education curriculum are included.
•Each student’s IEP is reviewed at least once a year at an Annual Review
•Every three years there is a reevaluation planning meeting where the IEP
team meets to discuss if further assessments are needed to determine
continued eligibility or to help to provide an appropriate program.
I&RS Team Members
Josephine Noone, Principal, Co-Chair
Pam Marmora, Special Ed. Teacher, Co-Chair
Liz Ferraiolo, Basic Skills
Maria Galvin, Basic Skills
Mercy Ferrer, Grade 3
Jennifer Weber, Grade 4
Stephanie Little, Grade 5
CST Members
• Donna Sjovall, School Psychologist
• Deborah Weston, Learning Disabilities
Related Service Providers
Mary Ellen DiCataldo, School Counselor
Jean Beeck, Speech/Language Specialist
Melinda Laureano, Occupational Therapist
Elizabeth Biondo, Physical Therapist
Christine Ruberto, Teacher of the Deaf
Meghan Casperson, Behavioral Consultant
Jeff Crane, Assistive Technology