SLD Pod Cast part 8

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Transcript SLD Pod Cast part 8

SLD recommendation
made; report submitted to
Special Education
Coordinator and Secretary
Data suggests eligibility for other than SLD
Referral made to rule out
other special education
Who are your Special Education
• Tahquamenon Area Service Center- Susie
• Sault Ste. Marie Public Schools-Pam Taylor
• Rudyard Area Service Center- Pam West
What happens after the evaluations
are completed?
MET Reports are provided to the IEP
team with recommendations for
IEP Team reviews the MET reports and
determines eligibility.
Based on the needs of the student, the
IEP develops a plan for programs and
services that best meet the child’s needs.
Specific Learning Disability
Under the Federal Rule, 34 CFR
300.8(c((10) a specific learning
disability is “a disorder in one or more
of the basic psychological processes
involved in understanding or in using
language, spoken or written, that may
manifest itself in the imperfect ability
to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or
do mathematical calculations,
including conditions such as
perceptual disabilities, brain injury,
minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia,
and developmental aphasia that
adversely affects a student’s
educational performance
Cognitive Impairment
The following characteristics:
development at a rate at or below
approximately 2 standard deviations
below the mean as determined
through intellectual assessment,
scores approximately within the
lowest 6 percentiles on a standardized
test in reading and math., and
characterized by significant limitations
in social, and practical
adaptive skills.
Emotional Impairment
Emotional Impairment means a
condition exhibiting one or more of
the following characteristics over a
long period of time and to a marked
degree that adversely affects
educational performance:
a. An inability to learn that cannot be
explained by intellectual, sensory or
health factors;
b. An inability to build or maintain
satisfactory interpersonal
relationships with peers and teachers;
c. Inappropriate types of behavior or
feelings under normal circumstances;
d. A general pervasive mood of
unhappiness or depression; or
e. A tendency to develop physical
symptoms or fears associated with
personal or school problems
Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASD is a brain development disorder
characterized by impairments in social
interaction, communication, and
restricted and repetitive behavior,
typically appearing during the first
three years of life.
Connie Cullip- Coordinator of
Planning, Monitoring and Data
Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate
School District
906-632-3373 x.108
[email protected]