Update Management Structure

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Transcript Update Management Structure

Dr Stuart Ward
SHIP Medical Director
The New World
• The NHS Commissioning Board – a special SHA from 1/10/11
• Chief Executive Officer – David Nicholson
• Chair – Professor Malcolm Grant
• Now quorate and starting to direct the future
Geography SHA
Commissioning Board Purpose
1. Commission £20b specialised services
2. Hold CCGs and ‘systems’ to account for increasing the quality
of care
3. Commission Prison/Offender Care and for Veterans
4. Commission/contract Primary Care (GP/ Dental/ Pharmacy/
Commissioning Outcome Framework
Prevent premature death
Enhance quality of life in LTCs
Recovery from acute illness/injury
Ensure a positive patient experience
Safe environment free from avoidable harm
Geography CCG
What does a CCG do?
1. Understand local population and need (H&WBB)
2. Work with other providers to improve care
3. Work with social services to improve care
4. Improve the quality of care
5. Work with practices (and the NHSCB) to improve performance
Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention
£20b QIPP savings over 5 years
Never been achieved anywhere in the world!
Primary Care Prescribing
30 million prescriptions in SHIP
£270m spend in SHIP
How does Community Pharmacy help this?
Quality -
Targeted MURs
Supporting prescribing interventions
Avoid prescribing errors
Innovation Inhaler work (IoW)
Productivity - Direct supply of dressings (£1.2m in NHSH)
Avoid waste
Improve repeat prescribing – (IT?)
Prevention - Smoking cessation (£500k in NHSH)
EHC (£150k in NHSH)
Healthy pharmacies (NHSP)
Flu vacc (IoW) – extending to NHSH as trial
Accountable Officer for CDs – Neil Hardy
Responsible Officer –
GPs only – for now!
Annual Appraisal
360 MSF (should local pharmacist be one?)
Complaints/performance (including prescribing)
Co-ordinate – so need to hear about issues
What should Pharmacists do?
• Keep up to date with changes and developments (LPC)
• Identify your local CCG and it’s leaders and work with them
• Prove your effectiveness by delivering advanced services (NMS and
MUR) and enhanced services
• Support prescribing interventions – the pharmacist is the last
professional to see the patient – so use that contact
The Future
• Looks like CCGs
• We need to work together in systems to make this work – let us take
this opportunity to break down the barriers between professionals –
The ‘C’s
C ompetence
C onfidence
C ontinuity
C ommunication