Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of

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Varaždin; 06.04.2006. CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management”


Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management” History of GAP I (old strategy) 1957 1960 to 1970 1973 The Treaties of rome (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands) Lack of milk, cereals, meat increase of consumption New memberstates (Denmark, UK, Ireland) Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management” History of GAP II (light change) 1984 Dairy-Quota System Limitation of milk delivery per farm But self suffícency still over 100 % Butter consumption reduced Exports on world market difficult because of high EU prices 1992 Mac Sharry Reform Change from the old system of high agricultural prices, surplus financing, intervention system to the direct payment system and the second pilar Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management” History of GAP III (the future) 1999 2003 AGENDA 2000 Dairy regime will end 2004 More importance for the program development of rural areas CAP Prolongation Decupling of direct payments Cross-Compliance Accession of 12 new member states Agricultural Budget to 2013 Prolongation of the dairy regime to 2013/2014 Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management


Encourage food production Human capital 1988 Territorial dimension Environmental dimension 1950 1960 1970 Agriculture Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

1980 1990 Less favoured areas 2000 2005 I Pillar Income support Agriculture + non farm sector LEADER/LEADER + II Pillar Rural Development Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management” The public discussion about CAP tax payer universities consumers Croatia Varaždin; 06.04.2006.


farmers Environmental animal welfare organisations rural population Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

CARDS 2002 Project “Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management” Proposed expenditure Agriculture and Rural Development (2003-2013)











50 42.3

45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Rural development (increasing) Market and Direct Aids Milk expenditures

10 2003 2004 2005

Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 5 0

In 2013, Milk = 14% of Market and Direct Aids (from 7.8% in 2003)

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Krešo Filipović tel: 01/6002-736 Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

Snježana Španjol; tel: 01/6002-727 Saša Bukovac; tel: 01/6002-713 Goran Ćirić; tel: 01/6002-719 Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Two measures will be implemented immediately after accreditation of SAPARD Agency:

I Investments in Agricultural Holdings II Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural and fisheries products Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

ULAGANJA U POLJOPRIVREDNA GOSPODARSTVA Mlijeko, mliječne prerađevine i meso:

Ulaganje u izgradnju i/ili adaptaciju i/ili opremanje gospodarskih objekata, štala Ulaganje u opremu za izgnojavanje, tankove za čuvanje stajskog gnoja, uključujući specijalizirana sredstva transporta, ako su dio projekta

Voće i povrće:

Ulaganje u izgradnju i/ili adaptaciju i/ili opremanje staklenika i plastenika Ulaganje u opremu za berbu, doradu, konfekcioniranje i pakiranje voća i povrća Ulaganje u sustav navodnjavanja uključujući kompjutersku opremu


Ulaganje u izgradnju, adaptaciju i/ili opremanje sušara za ratarske kulture (strne žitarice, kukuruz, soja i druge zrnate kulture) do 1000 t Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management 6. Registered in Farm register, at least 2 years 7. VAT payer Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management PROMOTIONAL PLAN


County and local offices; Fairs; CAEI; CLC; CCE; Entrepreneurship centres County and local offices; Fairs; CAEI; CLC; CCE; Entrepreneurship centres County and local offices; Fairs; CAEI; CLC; CCE; Entrepreneurship centres Publication within the following web sites: www.mps.hr

; www.hgk.hr

; www.hzpss.hr

; www.hssc.hr

WEB SITE within www.mps.hr




15 March – 1 June 2006 5.000

publication publication 15 March 2006 15 March 2006 Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management DOZVOLJENI TROŠKOVI - nova oprema i mehanizacija uključujući kompjutersku opremu i programe - novi materijali za izgradnju - troškovi gradnje/adaptacije na temelju ugovora s trećom stranom - troškovi projektne dokumentacije (projektanti, izrada studija, patenti i licence) - najviše 12% od tih troškova - dozvoljeni troškovi ne uključujući PDV - troškovi moraju potjecati iz Hrvatske ili zemalja EU. To se odnosi i za nabavu i opremu koja se koristi a koja će na kraju projekta postati vlasništvo podnositelja zahtjeva.

Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management NEDOZVOLJENI TROŠKOVI - Kupnja zemljišta i postojećih zgrada - Povrat PDV-a - Kupnja rabljene mehanizacije i opreme - Troškovi redovitog poslovanja i vođenja projekta - Troškovi koji nisu u skladu s javnom nabavom roba - Kupnja vozila - Kupnja materijala čija će se vrijednost otplatiti tijekom jedne godine - Bankovna i kreditna jamstva - Hortikulturna i uređenja za rekreacijske aktivnosti, kupnja nematerijalnih vrijednosti osim patenata i licenci - Troškovi promocije i istraživanja - Cijena vlastitog rada Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Varaždin; 06.04.2006.

Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management 50%

Financial structure of investments

Measure I – max. public aid HRK 2,5 Mil.

Measure II – max. public aid HRK 10,0 Mil.

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff

Varaždin; 06.04.2006. Operational Capacity Building within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

H v a l a n a p a ž nj i!

Dr. Joachim Steinhoff