CAA update - Walsall Council

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Comprehensive Area Assessment
Walsall Partnership – 20th July 2009
LSP Priorities
Creating opportunity and potential
Improving health
Reducing crime and feeling safe
Developing strong and dynamic communities
Improving housing choice
Improving the quality of our environment
Reducing worklessness
Increasing enterprise
Improving skills
Children & Young People
Emerging Issues
KEY ISSUE  Health outcomes generally poor. – CHP
 Particular concerns around CYP health.
 CYP: Generally positive APA from Ofsted 2008 - some attainment
 Crime reducing – some perception issues
 Strong and positive partnership working
 A track record of good services
 A borough of contrasts – concentration of high levels of deprivation
and inequality
 Gap not narrowing in some key areas that matter to local people
 Challenge of sustaining regeneration plans through the recession
 Concerns about new housing provision, particularly affordable
Creating opportunity and potential
 According to Walsall's LSPs year end review residents in Walsall generally feel unable to
influence decisions in their local area
 Highlighted as AMBER in LSP analysis
More work to be done
 PLACE survey results analysis
 Managing Performance will look at this area.
Improving health 1
 WCC panel felt there was good links between the PCT strategy
and needs assessment.
 The borough has a fairly distinct east west divide in terms of
deprivation and thus inequalities
 Auditors report highlighted lack of strategy – progress?
 Strong partnerships have contributed to good and improving health
outcomes for most children and young people from a low base
 The PCT emphasis on disease prevention and improving lifestyles
(within its strategy) is a positive way forward to addressing health
inequalities in the longer term.
 Excellent prospects – supporting people
Improving health 2
 Some poor health outcomes for people in Walsall. People
live shorter lives than the England average
 Particular concerns around CYP health issues, infant
mortality, low birth weights etc. inc teenage conception
 According to Walsall's LSPs year end review of performance
on NI120 All-age all cause mortality rate. Although
performance direction is good, the inequality gap is
Circulatory disease : Heart disease and stroke kill around 294
people prematurely in Walsall each year. This is a higher rate
compared with the England average and although rates have been
falling the gap has widened in recent years
Improving health 3
More work to be done
 Auditor's follow up work.
 Will this be enough to provide robust evidence on Walsall's
response to the challenge – CHP weaknesses.
 How is the LSP helping to achieve this? - Are health
inequalities within the borough being tackled? Targetting?
 Need to check on alcohol and smoking prevention.
 Community Health Profile – below average on a range of
 How do Education Walsall contribute to this agenda?
Reducing crime and feeling safe
 Overall there is limited concern about general crime reduction;
progress is generally being made according to target.
 Crime and the fear of crime has reduced in Walsall and remains
 Racially and religiously aggravated crime rates, though decreasing,
remain higher than average and do not compare well with MSG.
 Most serious violence not in line with MSG.
More work to be done
 PLACE survey results – good result around “drunk and rowdy”
 NI 35 not in the LAA - developing a PVE strategy Progress on
 PPO. Figures. proportion of young offenders in education,
employment and training (EET) remains consistently below similar
councils & national rates.
 Mixed picture on accidents – amber ratings at LAA monitoring
Developing strong and dynamic communities
 Progress on PREVENT adequate
 None at present
More work to be done
 PLACE survey results ?
 Walsall did not include NI 35 in the LAA progress on
developing an effective PVE strategy.
 Walsall has received additional funding under the
government’s PREVENT initiative which is designed to
discourage terrorism and violent extremism - progress on
 Cohesion/Diversity progress
Improving housing choice 1
 2007 Private Sector Stock Condition Survey found that 75%
of properties met the Decent Homes Standard
 Good information on its need for affordable housing
 Performance in relation to a number of key homeless
indicators is good.
 Enabling people to live more independently by adapting
homes for disabled people is one of the four key housing
objectives of the SCS and Walsall achieved top 25%
performance in this area in 2007/08.
 Supporting People programme has improved and there are
now a range of housing related support services for
vulnerable people.
Improving housing choice 2
 Impact of recession on plans and targets – future prospects
 Numbers of empty properties seems high.
 The housing waiting list in Walsall has grown significantly
over the past 5 years and performance is in the bottom 25%.
 No overall choice based lettings system. The Walsall
Housing Groups which covers five associations operates
CBL but this does not apply to the remaining 13 housing
associations which operate in the area.
More work to be done
 Pick up private condition, affordable housing progress.
Improving the quality of our environment
 The amount of waste recycled or composted has continued to
increase and the statutory target has been met.
 The amount of waste collected per head is falling.
 However it is unclear what progress has been made to procure
future waste solutions to minimise landfill.
 The street scene and roads are a residents’ concern and one of the
new leader’s priorities.
 Overall satisfaction with area worst quartile. Levels of litter &
detritus and graffiti are comparatively high for 2007/08.
More work to be done
 Follow up progress around environmental issues – including
tackling climate change
 Check plans on waste disposal.
 Transport – links to employment agenda, congestion?
 Check PLACE Survey results. (poor on perceptions on litter and
Reducing worklessness
 Signatory to West Midlands MAA tackling jobs & skills
 Good progress on physical regeneration
 Some good practice – better partnership working – one stop shops
 Concerned around the impact of the credit crunch and the slow down in the
housing market – some issues around affordability, though targets
historically on target.
 Some concerns on meeting targets – e.g. Nis 152/154. - others met
 Housing – some issues around affordability, though targets historically on
More work to be done
 Good practice? WHG's Construction Skills Centre,
 Worklessness inspection to be reported - MAA progress?
 Assessing the impact of the recession on future plans and prospects
 Transport – links to employment agenda, congestion?
 Progress around Walsall’s town regeneration, Gigaport
Increasing enterprise
 Signatory to West Midlands MAA tackling jobs and skills,
with a focus on worklessness
 Good progress on physical regeneration
 Assessing the impact of the recession on future plans and
More work to be done
 Gigaport?? Realistic plans? Impact of slowdown?
 Possibly a year 2 issue.
 MAA?
Improving skills
 Despite improvements the percentage of young people achieving
Level 2 and 3 qualifications remains below similar councils.
 The proportion of 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education,
employment and training (NEET), including those from minority
ethnic groups is above similar councils and the national level
 Again the key is inequality and the gulf within the borough. –
More work to be done
 ** Ofsted – 2009 updated figures and assessment
 Progress on AFI 2008?
 Attainment for LAC and BME children
 Progress on NEETS
Children & Young People (Not specifically an LSP
Progress (2008)
 Generally positive APA 2008
 Strong partnerships have contributed to good and improving health
outcomes for most children and young people from a low base
 Key Stage 4 results have been slow to rise, in comparison with
statistical neighbours and national figures. In 2007, % achieving
five or more A* to C GCSEs fell to below similar councils and well
below the national average and the overall rate of progress made
by students was below average.
 Infant mortality / Childhood health issues
More work to be done
 ** Ofsted – 2009 updated figures and assessment
 Progress on AFI 2008?
 Attainment for LAC and BME children
 Progress on NEETS - The proportion of young offenders in
education, employment and training (EET) remains consistently
below similar councils and national rates.
Going forward - today
 Questions?
 Do you recognise Walsall from this?
 Evidence
Point it out to us (COUNT)
Extra/new evidence
Self evaluation/assessment?
Interviews/Follow ups
Going forward – ongoing work/assessment
Use of Resources (LG)
Managing performance
Worklessness Inspection – draft report due
Ofsted annual assessment CYP …
Health Inequalities audit follow up
CQC – Adult Social Care & AHC …
 Additional AA work not covered above
Going forward – Quarter 2
 Formal feedback for Quarter 2 – October 5th.?
 Other assessments
MP – work to early Sept (shared judgement)
Impact on OA?
 14 October – pre-publication draft AA
 Publication now December 10th.