CMS Parent Weekly Updates

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CMS Parent Weekly Update
Mission Statement: Working in collaboration with students, parents, staff and community,
Crofton Middle School will develop productive citizens by challenging, and inspiring students to
become lifelong learners within a safe and structured environment.
Message of the Week
Hello Parents/Guardians,
Congratulations to the students, teachers, and parents of Crofton Middle School because
once again, we were recognized as one of the top ten schools in Anne Arundel County for
contributing significate monetary donations as well as over 23,000 lbs. of food in support
of the 2013-2014 Harvest for the Hungry. This week we began our Kids Helping Kids Food
Drive for the 2014-2015 school year. The Kids Helping Kids Food Drive provides students
with an opportunity to learn about hunger and help other children in need. One-third of
the people served by emergency food programs in Maryland are children under the age of
18. Every $1 collected equals 8 pounds of food! Please, review the attached calendar for
further information. Thank you in advance for your support!
After hearing our theme this year, “Difficult Does Not Mean Impossible,” a parent
approached me and shared the following quote by Nelson Mandela, “It always seems
impossible until it’s done.” To help us “get it done” we are asking for parent volunteers
to assist with tutoring. As we shift into the new Common Core Curriculum, mastering the
standards are challenging and some students might need additional help! If you are
interested in assisting our teachers during the day or after school, please contact Ms.
Walter at (410) 793-0280.
The School Counseling Office would like to remind parents of the procedures regarding
private school applications. Please, take the time to review the attached letter if you have
any additional questions do not hesitate to contact the School Counseling Office at
Attached, is a list of activity buses for you to review with your child. If your child does not
stay after school on a regular basis, it is helpful to remind them of their activity bus
number when they are scheduled to stay after school. Also, I would like to remind
parents your child’s activity bus drop-off location is NOT the same as their normal dropoff, these locations are determined by the transportation office. If you have questions
please contact Ms. Polacheck at (410) 793-0280.
October 20 –October 24, 2014
October 20 – Red A Day
Rehearsal –All county Middle School Chorus
6-8pm (NorthEast HS)
October 21 – Black B Day
Rehearsal-BSO side-by-side -4:15-5:45
(Magothy River MS)
October 22- Red C- Day
Audition: All County Middle school Orchestra- 5 pm
(Brooklyn Park MS)
Zumbathon- 6:30-7:30pm
October 23- Black A Day-Advisory Schedule
Audition: All County Middle School Chorus
6-8pm (NorthEast HS)
October 24 – Red B Day
6th grade Zoo Field Trip
WCL Spanish Field Trip -Old Mill HS
October 28- Rehearsal: BSO Side-by-Side
October 30- 6th grade Halloween Dance
October 31- 2 hour Early Dismissal- End of
Marking Period
October 31- PBIS store open during lunch
Your invited to CMS on November 3rd from 6:00-7:15PM an opportunity to learn more
about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test
and how it will affect your child. This informational session will cover the main
differences between PARCC and MSA testing, how to successfully prepare your child to
take the test, a description of what critical content standards your child will be assessed
on, and a general question and answer session regarding PARCC. We hope to see you
there! Also, please mark your calendars CMS Student-Led Conferences will beheld on
24th or 25th. Specific times and locations will be sent home at a later date.
Student-led conferences are beneficial for many reasons including:
Students have accountability for their learning
Students learn to evaluate their own progress
Students gain a greater commitment to school work and learning
Builds self-confidence and self-esteem
Encourages parent/guardian/student communication
Builds communication and critical thinking skills
Enables students to practice organization and leadership skills
Kudos to Chloe Y. for being a great friend. –Aiden
Kudos to Connor N. for helping me with my
homework. – Connor B.
Kudos to- Jack Frey for helping me with my
backpack and being late to class just so he could
help me pick up my stuff. I really appreciate it. –
Rohan B.
Kudos to- Caroline K. for carrying my books
around for me. –Hailey K.
Kudos to- Hannah B. for being with me when I
started crying. –Alyse L.
The 6th grade dance is October 30, 2014 from 3-5PM. Please see the attached flyer and
permission slip for additional information.
Lastly, our Annual Veterans Day ceremony will be held on November 11th from 8:159:45AM. If you would like to join us please contact Mrs. Thomas at (410) 793-0280.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Nuria E. Williams
Principal, Crofton Middle School
“Challenges are what make life interesting and
overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
- Joshua J. Marine