FRUs Deployed per Year

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Infinera: Integración Fotónica, presente y futuro.

Manuel Morales, Director Técnico Infinera España y Portugal


 Challenges of Network Growth  Photonic Integration: Moore’s Law for Bandwidth  “Digital Optical Networking” Benefits  Interesting references  Summary Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 2

Bandwidth growth

(Worldwide long-haul DWDM) Source: Dell’Oro Group (1Q08 DWDM report) Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 3

Every Year Means More Workload

In    Space Power Operationalization     Installation Provisioning Reconfiguration New services Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 4

Current Paradigm Doesn’t Scale

   If bandwidth grows 75% per year for 10 years… Using 100G DWDM technology, the world’s long haul optical networks will require…   11 million DWDM transponders 3.3 Gigawatts of electricity  7 new midsized power plants …and a carrier with 10% share of bandwidth will install 3,000 transponders per business day!

 Requires


more technicians!

Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 5

With Conventional Technology, the Model Breaks 1000000 100000

10G Transponder 40G Transponder 100G Transponder

10000 1000


100 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 6

A Disruption is Required

 Need to simultaneously address:    Space Power Operationalization (install, provision, reconfigure, manage, deliver new services)  Current industry direction does not scale   Single-wave transponders insufficient, even @ 100G “All Optical” complexity Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 7

Transponder-based DWDM

Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 8

Infinera’s Photonic Integrated Circuit innovation 100Gb/s Receive 5mm 100Gb/s Transmit   Size, weight, power  Reliability  Enables digital access to bandwidth: superior operationalization Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 9

To Solve Exponential Bandwidth Demand, You Need Exponential Supply

I-PIC 4000

Double “bits per chip” every three years 4Tb/s PIC

I-PIC 2000 I-PIC 100 I-PIC 1000

2Tb/s PIC

I-PIC 400

1Tb/s PIC 400G PIC 100G PIC 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 10

PICs Allow Continued Internet Growth 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100


>30x reduction in line cards deployed

10G Transponder 40G Transponder 100G Transponder 400Gb/s PIC 2Tb/s PIC 4Tb/s PIC

Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 11

Bandwidth Virtualization: Optics are Decoupled from Services Services see: Pool of reliable, connected, “colorless” bandwidth “Digital ROADM” DWDM Waves Digital logic (ODU1 Switch Matrix + DVC) Software Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 12

Bandwidth Virtualization in Action


  Waves are resources, used by services Service layer need not consider or even be aware of optical parameters


Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 13

Multi-vendor 100GbE Demo - Overview 100GBASE-SR10 Client optics (Pre-standard IEEE 802.3ba) Avago 100Gb/s DWDM link TAM connection Commercial LH network with Infinera DTN Optical loopback 100 GbE packet generator/tester Ixia Infinera DTN NXTComm Booth (LV Convention Center) LV Datacenter n000km Deployed LH network Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 14

Internet2 Network

Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 15

Internet 2 Network Philosophy 10G “Port”


Optical Transport “Cloud”


Option 1: Human provisioning Option 2: GMPLS UNI automated provisioning Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 16

Heavy Reading Report:

“Photonic Integration & the Future of Optical Networking” “Photonic integration is the optical industry’s best hope for scaling to meet future bandwidth requirements while similarly reducing cost per bit.” Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 17

Infinera Summary

 Exponential growth demands exponential innovation  Photonic integration provides a solution… …and is now widely deployed   Tactical benefits: Size, weight, power, reliability Strategic benefits: a Digital Optical Network for simpler, faster, more flexible operations Infinera Confidential & Proprietary | 18
