Transcript Slide 1

Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Why is quality control is needed?
Information to accompany data
Automatic checks
“Scientific” quality control
CTD (temperature and salinity)
Current meter data (including ADCP)
Wave data
Sea level
Biological data, etc.,
Quality flags
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Data quality control has the following objective:
“To ensure the data consistency within a single
data set and within a collection of data sets and to
ensure that the quality and errors of the data are
apparent to the user who has sufficient information
to assess its suitability for a task.” (IOC/CEC
Manual, 1993)
Quality control, if done well, brings about a number
of key advantages:
• Maintaining standards
• Consistency
• Reliability
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
For all types of data information is required about:
• Where the data were collected: location (preferably as
latitude and longitude) and depth/height
• When the data were collected (date and time in UTC or
clearly specified local time zone)
• How the data were collected (e.g. sampling methods,
instrument types, analytical techniques)
• How the data are referenced (e.g. station numbers, cast
• Who collected the data, including name and institution of the
data originator(s) and the principal investigator
• What has been done to the data (e.g. details of processing
and calibrations applied, algorithms used to compute derived
• Comments for other users of the data (e.g. problems
encountered and comments on data quality)
Data Collection Details: example 1
Biological Net Tow (Plankton)
• Project, ship, cruise identifier
• Country, organisation
• Date, time, latitude and longitude (for start and end if
sampling via a net tow)
• Sounding, maximum and minimum pressure or depth of tow
• Description of operational procedures such as tow
orientation (vertical, horizontal or oblique), methods of
position fixing (e.g. DGPS, GPS, etc.)
• Weather conditions (including sun and wind)
• Gear type (e.g. net mesh size, net mouth size, single or
multi-net, etc.)
• Sample preservation method (e.g. pickling, frozen, etc.)
• Sample analysis/processing or data collection procedures
(e.g. filtered size ranges, sub-sampling, etc.)
• Any additional information of use to secondary users which
may have affected the data or have a bearing on its
subsequent use
Data Collection Details: example 2
Shipboard ADCP
• Project, ship, cruise identifier
• Country, organisation
• Details of the instrument and sensors (e.g. manufacturer,
instrument type, model number, serial number and any
modifications carried out, number of transducers)
• Description of operational procedures including sampling
interval (time between ensembles), pings per ensemble, bin
size, number of bins, bottom tracking on/off, pitch and roll
on/off, percentage good level, method of position fix (e.g.
GPS, DGPS), automated data rejection (e.g. fish rejection
algorithms), etc.
• Frequency (kHz), band type (broad, narrow)
• Date and time of the start and end of the profiles for each
data file
• Any additional information of use to secondary users which
may have affected the data or have a bearing on its
subsequent use.
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Parameter Details
• Parameters measured
(Refer to BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary if
necessary for help with parameter definitions)
Data Processing Details
• Originator's Data Format
• Description of calibrations
• Description of any data processing that has
occurred (manufacturers and in-house)
Basic automatic checks for all data types
Date and time of an observation has to be valid
• Year 4 digits
• Month between 1 and 12
• Day in range expected for month
• Hour between 0 and 23
• Minute between 0 and 59
Latitude and longitude have to be valid
• Latitude in range -90 to 90
• Longitude in range -180 to 180
Position must not be on land
• Observation latitude and longitude located in ocean
• For example, use 5-minute bathymetry (e.g. ETOPO5)
Further automatic checks
Impossible speed
• Tests for acceptable speed between stations
• Tests salinity and temperature data for large differences
between adjacent values (other parameters also)
• Tests for gradient between vertically adjacent salinity
and temperature measurements too steep
Density inversion
• Tests where calculated density at a higher pressure in a
profile is less than the calculated density at an adjacent
lower pressure
Pressure increasing
• Pressures from the profile monotonically increasing
Further automatic checks
Global range
• Tests that observed temperature and salinity values are
within the expected extremes encountered in the
Regional range
• Tests that observed temperature and salinity values are
within the expected extremes encountered in particular
Deepest pressure
• Tests that profile does not contain pressures higher
than the highest value expected
Check for duplicates
• Cruises or stations within a cruise using a space-time
radius (e.g., for duplicate cruises: 1 mile, 15min or 1day
if time is unknown)
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Visual inspection of data
Pressure/depth series (e.g. CTD)
Property-property plot
Time series (e.g. current meter, sea level)
Scatter plot (e.g. current meter)
Map covering the locations of series
Ensure that data are free from instrumentgenerated spikes, gaps, spurious data at the start
and end of the record and other irregularities
• Apply quality flags
• Quality flags do not change the data
• Visual inspection can be subjective, dependent on
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Spike detection
Can require visual inspection to back up automatic
Range check
Comparison with pre-existing climatological statistics
Compare data collected on same cruise and in same
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Example of a current meter time series with a possible rotor problem
(Current Speed (ms-1), North velocity component (ms-1), East velocity component
(ms-1), Current Direction (°), Temperature (°C) (not shown))
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
BELOW: example of a
record with suspect
ABOVE: example of a
‘good’ scatter plot
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Common Problems Associated with Current Meters (1)
Rotor turns, but there is either a breakdown of magnetic
coupling between the rotor and follower or reed switch
which then fails to register rotations
Rotor not turning due to fouling with weed or the suchlike.
This results in a sudden drop in speed to zero or near zero.
Directions not being resolved. This could result from a stiff
meter suspension or a meter being fouled by its mooring
Compass sticking. This may occur if the meter is inclined
too far from the horizontal plane and can be a problem in
fast tidal streams when in-line instruments are used. This is
commonly known as .mooring-knockdown’. This is seen in
the data as a frequent recurrence of a single direction value
or a narrow range of directions.
Worn compass. This causes some directions to become
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Common Problems Associated with Current Meters (2)
Non linearity of compass. This is usually picked up from
the scatter plot of u and v velocity components.
Sticking encoder pins. This causes spikes in all parameters
and is often manifested by the appearance of the value of
the pin(s) in the listing (e.g. 0, 256, 512, 768 or 1023).
Underrated power supply. This often shows in the compass
channel first because of the extra current drain during
Electronic failure (e.g. dry joints, circuitry broken). This
does not always produce a total loss of data however.
Poor quality recording tape. This is indicated by the
appearance of suspect data at regular intervals in all
Sensor drift. This is a slow change in the response of the
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Scatter plot of wave height
against (zero up-crossing
or crest) period
Wave heights (maximum
in pink; significant in blue)
are ok for range, basically
normal distribution,
steepness (all < 5%)
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
1-Dimensional and Directional Wave Spectra
• Check slope of energy density spectrum – should follow a set
slope due to transfer of energy from lower to higher
frequencies (?)
• Check that energy in the spectrum at frequencies below 0.04
Hz is not more than 5% of the total spectral energy
• Check that energy in the spectrum at frequencies above 0.6
Hz is not more than 5% of the total spectral energy
• Check mean direction at high frequencies, which should
correspond to the wind direction (assuming coincident
meteorological data).
• For 1D spectra, calculate zeroth spectral moment from
spectral variance densities and check that it corresponds to
the given value
• For 1D spectra, calculate Te as the zeroth divided by first
negative spectral moment and check that it correlates with
(peak or zero upcrossing) period
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Sea Level Data
Harmonic analysis - generate predictions
Calculate residuals
Constant values
Clock malfunctions
Gap filling
Reference changes
Calculation of statistics
Biological data quality control
COPEPOD: A Global Plankton Database (2005)
• Plankton data are variable by nature, influenced by
numerous physical and biological events.
• Unlike temperature or salinity values, no tight range of
typical values that one can use to easily qualify or
disqualify these data.
• Plankton values greatly affected by size of net mesh
and depth of tow.
• Very basic value range and statistical techniques to
look for anomalous or non-representative data.
• The variety of original units still do not allow for easy
inter-comparison of the data: Common Baseunit
Value (CBV) was calculated
• Biological Grouping Code (BGC) identifies the
plankton taxa’s membership in up to four groupings
Biological data – range checks
• CBV and BGC are used together to perform broad,
taxonomic group-based value range checks
• A single range (for the entire world ocean) was used for the
major and minor taxonomic groups.
• Future work will divide these ranges into smaller taxonomic
sub-groups and individual oceanographic basins or regions,
allowing for tighter range checks
• Value ranges very general and encompass the effects of:
• Different mesh sizes
• Day versus night sampling
• Presence of smaller life stages (“number of adults” vs. “number
of adults + juveniles”)
• Will be adjusted as new data and better techniques added to
• New ranges, as well as ranges for additional plankton subgroups will be available online.
Biological data - statistical checks
• Used to search for questionable values
• Not used to automatically flag values
• For each BGC group mean and standard deviation
calculated based on all observations present in
• Individual observations >5 standard deviations
from mean investigated on a case by-case basis
• Natural variability may account for many “outliers”,
method helped identify extreme values caused by
misinterpreted units or typographic errors
• In many cases, values off by a factor of 1000
• Readily detected by these simple statistical checks
SeaDataNet quality control flags
Short description
No quality control
The value appears to be correct
The value appears to be probably good
The value appears probably bad
The value appears erroneous
The value has been changed
Below detection limit
In excess of quoted value
Interpolated value
Missing value
Incomplete information
Based on IGOSS/UOT/GTSPP & Argo quality flags
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
Data Documentation
• Comprehensive documentation to accompany
the data
• All data sets need to be fully documented to
ensure they can be used in the future without
ambiguity or uncertainty
• Compiled using:
• information supplied by the data originator (e.g. data
reports, comments on data quality)
• any further information gained during QC
• Includes: instrument details, mooring details,
data quality, calibration and processing carried
out by the data originator and data centre
processing and quality control
Quality Control Standards for SEADATANET
NODC procedures (e.g. France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK)
EU MEDAR-MEDATLAS procedures and SCOOP software
EU SIMORC project (Met-ocean data QC)
EU ESEAS (sea level) and IOC GLOSS documents
Manual of Quality Control Procedures for Validation of Oceanographic Data, UNESCO, IOC Manuals & Guides, 1993, Manual And Guides 26
GTSPP QC (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 22)
Argo Quality Control Manual (Real Time and Delayed Mode)
GOSUD Real-time quality control
IODE’s OceanTeacher
ICES WG Marine Data Management Data Type Guidelines
JPOTS Manual, 1991
WOCE manuals
JGOFS Protocols
World Ocean Database Quality Control documentation
TOGA/COARE Handbook of Quality Control Procedures for Surface Meteorology Data
BODC-WOCE Sea Level Data Assembly Centre Quality Assessment
AODC Quality Control Cookbook for XBT Data
Chapman, A. D. 2005. Principles and Methods of Data Cleaning – Primary Species and SpeciesOccurrence Data, version 1.0.
Chapman, A. D. 2005. Principles of Data Quality, version 1.0. Report for the Global Biodiversity
Information Facility, Copenhagen.
‘Ocean biodiversity informatics’: a new era in marine biology research and management (Mark J.
Costello, Edward Vanden Berghe)
QARTOD (Quality Assurance of Real-Time Oceanographic Data)