Transcript Document

A New Governance Model for
Portland State University
Lois Davis, Vice President for Public Affairs, November 2, 2013
Presentation to League of Women Voters of Oregon
• Unparalleled growth at PSU
– 65% increase since 1988 (18K-30K)
• Decline in state funding
– Decline of 35% over past 22 years
– State funding now = less than 12 % of total operating budget
• PSU most diverse university
– 27 % of Fall 2103 undergraduates identify as students of color
– 137 % increase in Hispanic high school graduates expected between 2004-2014
• PSU = workhorse university for 40-40-20
- Needs to grow to 50,000 students by 2025
- Business school needs to expand by more than 28%
- Engineering school by 30%
- 4.2 million square feet expansion over 25 years
• PSU needs governing board that is:
-PSU focused
-Regionally responsive
-Conscious of education pipeline
-Dedicated advocates
-Meaningful authority
Institutional Boards
SB 270
Boards approved for UO, OSU, PSU
11-15 members
Assume full authority July 1, 2014
Approve FY 15-17 state budget request before
The Boards’ Authority
• Establish mission and strategic directions
• Approve budgets and ensure fiscal integrity
• Ensure/protect educational quality, within
context of shared governance
• Ensure alignment with public purposes
• Set tuition
• Approve institutional policies
• Hire and fire the President
• Issue bonds
Shared Governance
“Curricular matters and decisions regarding individual faculty
appointments, promotions, and contract renewal normally would fall
within the delegated decision-making authority of appropriate faculty
and administrative entities operating within the framework of policies
and delegations of the board.”
AGB Statement on Institutional
Governance and Governing in the
Public Trust: External Influences on
Colleges and Universities
-AGB Board Basics
Post-SB 270 Structure
The Higher Education
Coordinating Commission
The HECC is responsible for:
• Development of a consolidated higher education
state budget request;
• Allocating legislatively approved resources;
• Review and approval of capital requests;
• Academic program review and approval (new
degrees, schools, colleges or campuses);
• Approval of university missions statements; and
• Approval of +5% tuition increases for resident
Sho Dozono,
President and CEO,
Azumano Travel
Gale Castillo,
President, Hispanic
Metropolitan Chamber
Paul J. De Muniz,
Former Chief Justice,
Oregon Supreme Court
Rick Miller,
Founder and Chairman,
Avamere Group
Peter Stott,
President, Columbia
Investments, Ltd.;
Member, PSU Foundation
Pete Nickerson,
Co-founder and Principal,
Chinus Asset Management;
Past Chair, PSU Foundation
Maude Hines,
PSU Associate Professor
of English
Pamela Campos-Palma,
Student, Veteran and
James Francesconi,
Attorney; Member, Board
of Higher Education
Christine Vernier,
Co-founder and CFO,
Vernier Software &
Swati Adarkar,
President and CEO,
Children’s Institute
Fariborz Maseeh,
Founder, IntelliSense
Corp., Massiah
Erica Bestpitch,
Administrative Program
Assistant, Women’s
Resource Center
Thomas J. Imeson,
Member, PSU
Foundation Board; Public
Affairs Director, Port of
Wim Wiewel,
President, Portland State
Next Steps
Board confirmation
Unraveling shared services
Deciding future for regional universities/OUS
Higher Ed work group
Legislative Task Force
Recommendations to February legislature
Addressing the Concerns
• No food fights
• “More likely to collaborate voluntarily than if
• Universities and community colleges working
2015 Agenda
• Funding
• Funding
• Funding