Transcript Slide 1

• Cén fáth a labhraíonn tú Gaeilge?
• Cén fáth a bhfuil tú ag teagasc nó ag obair i
• Cén ról atá ag Gaelscoil i sochaí na hÉireann?
Ceisteanna eile
• An ról atá ag Gaelscoileanna, seachas
oideachas a chur ar fáil?
• An bhfuil ról ag Gaelscoileanna in
athbheochan na Gaeilge mar theanga an
• An bhfuil an ról atá ag na Gaelscoileanna
maidir le forbairt phobal labhartha na Gaeilge
ag dul a bhaint as faoin ról ins an seomra
ranga in oideachas na bpáistí?
• An gcuirfeadh sé leis an oideachas?
Doors to our
A positive programme
to aid single language
parents in nurturing
bilingual children
Spriocanna an Chláir
Ag tacú le tuismitheoirí nach bhfuil an Ghaeilge acu ról
gníomhach a bheith acu i dturas a gcuid páistí i dtreo an
Ag foscailt doirse do thuismitheoirí le go dtig leo dul i
ngleic leis an teanga agus leis an chultúr ar dhóigh gan
eagla nó brú a bheith orthu faoi.
Ag cur tús le seachadadh na Gaeilge ó ghlúin go glúin
fríd a bheith ag cur pointe eolais ar fáil le go tig leis an
pháiste tagairt siar chuige agus iad ag tógáil a gclainne
Ag cothú léitheoireachta ins an bhaile
Ag spreagadh comhrá ins an bhaile
Ag tabhairt comhthéacs níos leithne
d’fhoghlaim (sealbhú) na Gaeilge
Ag ceangail stádas ard leis an
Ghaeilge agus leis an ilteangachas
Ag cothú an nasc idir tuismitheoirí agus
1. The ability to speak a
language is important i.e.
Líofacht / Fluency.
2. Luach / Valuing the
language. Providing a
good example to our
children ‘Showing’.
3. Provide children with
eolas / knowledge on why
you think Gaelic is
important. ‘Telling and
The three legs of the
bilingual stool.
•Teangacha i gComhthéacs
•An Ghaeilge idirnáisiúnta
•An Ghaeilge in Éireann
•Foghlaim agus an
“respect for other cultures and can
develop their creative thinking and selfconfidence.”
Global Context
As a non-Gaelic speaker, sending your child
to Gaelic-Medium education is the surest
way of giving them fluency in the language.
Gaelic-Medium Education will help to
provide your children with a fluency and a
positive attitude towards Gaelic, English and
other languages.
If you speak Gaelic or indeed a foreign
language at home, the Gaelic-Medium
Education will also help with a positive
attitude towards this language also.
This happens because the child will be in an
environment that is language centred and
values diversity..
The first leg of the stool:
Fluency in a language does not
happen in isolation – it happens as
part of a community.
It is not enough that your child
becomes fluent – if his or her
language is to be encouraged and
maintained it needs to be nurtured!
Use it or lose it!
Education - the
foundation…. but
not the whole story
Children who are raised in an
environment that values a
language are more likely to value
it and use it as part of their lives”
Jim Cummins, International bilingual expert.
“pressures which can be positive and negative”
Legs 2 and 3:
A Positive Approach;
Formulating and
sharing your values
towards the
language/ culture
From the earliest days children
learn through example. Their
habits and characteristics are
formed and shaped by those
around them, from their parents,
brothers and sisters.
A parent will have a very strong
impact on the use of Gaelic – be
that positive or negative. The
choice is yours!
Nurturing a
positive outlook
in your child
towards Gaelic.
Language use at home
The best way to show your child you are
interested in Gaelic is by using the
language with them.
Some parents learn the language and over
time begin to use the language fluently.
Others may not achieve this level but can
still have a very positive impact by using
directed language.
Directed language is when you use a
certain number of everyday phrases all
the time. For example, replacing words
such as “good morning” with “maidin
It’s easy to do … but remember to do it!
What can I
do to be
By always using directed language in
key phrases you show to your child
that “We value this language even
though we don’t speak it fluently.”
A directed language programme can
bring you to a level where you speak
as many words as you like.
Tell your child about:
•Why you sent them to a
•Why you think Gaelic is
•How you are positive about
Gaelic, English and other
•Why diversity is important.
The power of reading
Tell also but
in a positive
The power of reading
to your child
Reading to your child is a powerful thing!
It helps children develop concentration
It strengthens your relationship together.
It nurtures a love of literacy.
It allows you to explore interesting
subjects, imaginative places and practical
Reading and discussing things with your
child in a non-pressured way is PURE
Reading in
Our heritage is bursting with role models, heroes,English as a way
to talk about
love stories, battles, extraordinary tales of men Gaelic and
and women who spoke Gaelic.
There are many books in the English language
that can ignite the imagination of a child and
inform them of heritage, history and languages
from all over the world and also about Gaelic,
their own language.
If the language is not in the story…bring it
in!...What language do think Cú Chulainn spoke?
Scéalta a cheangail leis an bheochultúr
Be consistent in your
message, but change how
you say it.
Children come under different influences at
different ages, it is important therefore to
relate to them at that time in their lives.
What motivates a 6 year old won’t work later
on. Language is no different than anything
Children and young people are
very sophisticated.
They know when Mum and Dad
really don’t speak the language.
They can be hurtful.
Stick with it and enjoy the Games!
They may say
Don’t say that Mummy that is my
You are not saying that right.
I hate it when you use Gaelic!
Gaelic is for school, I hate it!
Mind Games;
be ready and
be positive!
Words and phrases in Gaelic
(Book & CD/DVD)
10 week programme.
The simple and easy discussion
and phrase “class” 1 ½ hours,
once per week.
Discussion forum
A leaflet on Talking to my child about
Gaelic … ideas and suggestions.
Hints and tips to enrich
understanding in relation to
placenames, surnames, local
heritage etc.
A list of suggested books,stories and
Format of the
Torthaí go dtí seo:
Tuismitheoirí ag aithint tábhachtach a ról
maidir leis an Ghaeilge/ G.scoil.
Fás in úsáid na Gaeilge ins an Teaghlach /
Níos mó tuistí ag dul chuig ranganna.
Tuismitheoirí in ann friotal a chur ar gcuid
mothúcháin i leith na Gaeilge
Nasc níos fearr leis an scoil.
Baint níos láidre ag tuistí leis an scoilphobal
Fás i suim a pháiste i leith na scoile