Linear Programming (Optimization)

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Chap 3. The simplex method
 Standard form problem
subject to Ax = b
A: mxn, full row rank
 From earlier results, we know that there exists an extreme point (b.f.s.)
optimal solution if LP has finite optimal value.
 Simplex method searches b.f.s’ to find optimal one.
If LP unbounded, there exists an extreme ray di in the recession cone K
( K = { x: Ax = 0, x  0 } ) such that c’di < 0. Simplex finds the direction
di if LP unbounded, hence providing the proof of unboundedness.
Linear Programming 2011
3.1 Optimality conditions
 A strategy for algorithm : Given a feasible solution x, look at the
neighborhood of x for a feasible point that gives improved objective
value. If no such point exists, we are at a local optimal point. In
general such local optimal point is not global optimal. However, if we
minimize a convex function over a convex set (convex program), local
min is a global min point, which is the case for linear programming
problem. (HW)
 Def: P is polyhedron. x  P, d Rn is a feasible direction at x if   >
0 such that x + d  P
 Given a b.f.s. x  P, ( xB = B-1b, xN = 0 for N: nonbasic)
( B = [ AB(1), AB(2), … , AB(m) ] )
want to find a new point x + d such that it satisfies Ax = b and x  0
and the new point gives an improved objective value.
Linear Programming 2011
 Consider moving to x + d =  x B    d B 
 x  d 
 N  N
dj = 1
for some nonbasic variable xj
for other nonbasic variables except xj
xB  xB + dB
We require
A(x + d) = b for  > 0
 need Ad = 0 (iff condition to satisfy A(x + d) = b, for  > 0)
 0 = Ad = i=1n Aidi = i = 1m AB(i)dB(i) + Aj = BdB + Aj
 dB = -B-1Aj
Assuming that columns of A are permuted so that A = [ B, N ] and x =
(xB, xN), d = (dB, dN),
d =  B 1 A j  is called j-th basic direction.
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 Note that  (n – m) basic directions when B is given.
Recall {d : Ad = 0 } is the null space of A and its basis is given by
columns of  B 1 N  , where P is a permutation matrix for
 nm 
AP = [ B, N ]
 B 1 A1   B 1 A j
 B 1 N 
  P
 e1
 I nm 
  B 1 An  m 
en  m 
Each column here gives a basic direction.
 Those n – m basic directions constitute a basis for null space of A
(from earlier). Hence we can move along any direction d which is
a linear combination of these basis vectors while satisfying A(x +
d) = b,  > 0.
Linear Programming 2011
 However, we also need to satisfy the nonnegativity constraints in
addition to Ax = b to remain feasible.
 Since dj = 1 > 0 for nonbasic variable index j and xj = 0 at the
current solution, moving along (- dj ) will make xj  0 violated
immediately. Hence we do not consider moving along -dj direction.
Therefore, the direction we can move is the nonnegative linear
combination of the basic directions, which is the cone generated by
the n – m basic directions.
Note that if a basic direction satisfies dB = -B-1Aj  0, it is an extreme
ray of recession cone of P (recall HW).
 In simplex method, we choose one basic direction as the direction
of movement.
Linear Programming 2011
 Two cases:
(a) current solution x is nondegenerate : xB > 0 guarantees that xB +
dB > 0 for some  > 0
(b) x is degenerate : some basic variable xB(i) = 0. It may happen
that i-th component of dB = -B-1Aj is negative
 Then xB(i) becomes negative if we move along d. So we cannot
make  > 0. Details later.
Linear Programming 2011
x3 = 0
x5 = 0
x1 = 0
x4 = 0
x2 = 0
Figure 3.2: n = 5, n – m = 2
x1, x3 nonbasic at E. x3, x5 nonbasic at F (x4 basic at 0).
Linear Programming 2011
 Now consider the cost function:
Want to choose the direction that improves objective value
( c’(x + dj) – c’x = c’dj < 0 )
c’dj = (cB’, cN’)  B 1 A j  = cj – cB’B-1Aj  c j
(reduced cost)
If c j < 0, then objective value improves if we move to x + dj
 Note) For i-th basic variable, ci may be computed using above
ci  ci  cB ' B 1 AB(i )  ci  cB ' ei  0, for all i  B
Linear Programming 2011
 Thm 3.1: (optimality condition)
Consider b.f.s. x with basis matrix B. c be the reduced cost vector.
(a) If c  0  x is optimal (sufficient condition for opt)
(b) x is optimal and nondegenerate  c  0
(a) assume c  0. y is an arbitrary point in P.
Let d = y – x  Ad = 0
BdB + iN Aidi = 0
 dB = - iN B-1Aidi
c’d = c’y – c’x = cB’dB + iNcidi = iN (ci – cB’B-1Ai)di
= iN ci di  0
( ci  0 ,
di  0 since yi  0, xi = 0 for i N and d = y – x )
Linear Programming 2011
( Also may prove by contraposition:
If x not optimal,  y = x + d s.t. c’y < c’x (note P is convex)
Feasible direction d at x is in the cone generated by basic directions.
Hence c’y – c’x = c’d = c’(i idi) < 0 , i  0
 for some basic direction dj , c’dj = (cB, cN)(-B-1Aj, ej)’
= cj – cB‘B-1Aj < 0 )
(b) Suppose x is nondegenerate b.f.s. and c j  0 for some j.
xj must be a nonbasic variable and we can obtain improved solution
by moving to x + dj ,  > 0 and small.
Hence x is not optimal.
Linear Programming 2011
 Note that the condition c  0 is a sufficient condition for optimality
of a b.f.s. x, but it is not necessary. The necessity holds only when
x is nondegenerate.
 Def 3.3: Basis matrix B is said to be optimal if
(a) B 1b  0
(b) c '  c'c B ' B 1 A  0'
Linear Programming 2011
3.2 Development of the simplex method
 (Assume nondegenerate b.f.s. for the time being)
Suppose we are at a b.f.s. x and computed c j , jN
If c j  0,  j N, current solution is optimal.
Otherwise, choose j  N such that c j < 0 and find d vector
( dj = 1, di = 0 for i  B(1), … , B(m), j, and dB = -B-1Aj )
Want to find * = max {   0 : x + d P }.
Cost change is *c’d = * c j
The vector d satisfies A(x + d) = b, also want to satisfy
(x + d)  0
Linear Programming 2011
(a) If d  0, then (x + d)  0 for all   0 . Hence * = 
(b) If di < 0 for some i, (xi + di )  0    - xi / di
For nonbasic variables, di  0. Hence only consider
basic variables
xB (i )
( d )
B (i )
{i 1,..., m: d B (i ) 0}
(called minimum ratio test)
Let y = x + *d. Have yj = * > 0 for entering nonbasic
variable xj. (we assumed nondegeneracy, hence xB(i) > 0
for all basic variables)
Let l be the index of the basic variable selected in the
minimum ratio test, i.e.
xB (l )
d B (l )
{i 1,..., m: d B ( i )
xB (i )
( d )
B (i )
Then xB (l )   *d B (l )  0
Linear Programming 2011
Replace xB(l) in the basis with the entering variable xj.
New basis matrix is
 |
B   AB (1)  AB (l 1)
 |
AB (l 1)
 AB ( m) 
| 
Also replace the set { B(1), … , B(m) } of basic indices by { B(1),
… , B(m) } given by
B(i) = B(i), i  l,
Linear Programming 2011
 Thm 3.2:
(a) AB(i) , i  l, and Aj are linearly independent. Hence B is a
basis matrix.
(b) y = x + *d is a b.f.s. with basis B
Pf) (a) If ABi , i  1,..., m linearly dependent
    0  R m such that im1 i AB (i )  0
    0  R m such that im1 i B 1 AB (i )  0
Hence B 1 ABi ' s are linearly dependent.
But B 1 AB (i )  ei , i  1, ..., m, i  l
B 1 A j  d B ,  d B (l )  0.
Hence B 1 A j is linearly independent from B 1 AB (i ) , i  l
Linear Programming 2011
(b) Have y  0, Ay = b, yi = 0, i  B
Columns of B linearly independent. Hence b.f.s.
 See the text for a complete description of an iteration of the
simplex method.
 Thm 3.3: Assume standard polyhedron P   and every b.f.s. is
nondegenerate. Then simplex method terminates after a finite
number of iterations. At termination, two possibilities:
(a) optimal basis B and optimal b.f.s
(b) Have found a vector d satisfying Ad = 0, d  0, and c’d < 0, and
the optimal cost is - .
Linear Programming 2011
 xB 
 d B   B A j 
Ax  b  B, N    b, d     
 N
 N  
 1) Suppose x nondegenerate b.f.s. and we move to x + d,  > 0
Consider the point y = x + *d, * > 0 and y feasible
(nondegeneracy of x guarantees the existence of * > 0 and y
Then A( x + *d ) = b
y = ( yB , yN )  yB = xB + *dB > 0 for sufficiently small * > 0
yN = xN + *dN = 0 + *ej = (0, …, *, 0, …, 0)
Since ( n – m – 1 ) of constraints xj  0 are active and m constraints
Ax = b active, we have ( n – 1 ) constraints are active at ( x + *d )
(also the active constraints are lin. Ind.) and no more inequalities are
Linear Programming 2011
 (continued)
Hence y is in the face defined by the active constraints, which is onedimensional since the equality set of the face is ( n – 1 )-dimensional.
So y is in one-dimensional face of P (edge) and no other proper face
of it.
When * is such that at least one of the basic variable becomes 0
(say xl ), then entering nonbasic variable replaces xl in the basis and
the new basis matrix is nonsingular and the leaving basic variable xl
= 0  xl  0 becomes active.
Hence we get a new b.f.s., which is a 0-dimensional face of P.
For nondegenerate simplex iteration, we start from a b.f.s. ( 0-dim
face), then follow an edge ( 1-dim face ) of P until we reach another
b.f.s. ( 0-dim face)
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 d B   B A j 
(2) If d     
  0, then x  d  0,    0, hence feasible
d N   e j 
The recession cone of P is K = { y : Ay = 0, y  0 } ( P = K + Q).
Since d  K and ( n – 1 ) independent rows active at d, d is an
extreme ray of K (recall HW) and c’d = cj – cB’B-1Aj < 0
 LP unbounded.
Hence, given a basis (b.f.s.), finding an extreme ray d (basic direction)
in the recession cone with c’d < 0 provides a proof of
unboundedness of LP.
Linear Programming 2011
Simplex method for degenerate problems
 If degeneracy allowed, two possibilities :
(a) current b.f.s. degenerate  * may be 0 (if, for some l,
xB(l) = 0 and dB(l) < 0 )
Perform the iteration as usual with * = 0
New basis B is still nonsingular ( solution not changed,
only basis changes), hence the current solution is b.f.s
with different basis B.
( Note that we may have nondegenerate iteration although
we have a degenerate solution.)
(b) although * may be positive, new point may have more than one of
the original basic variables become 0 at the new point. Only one of
them exits the basis and the resulting solution is degenerate. (It
happens when we have ties in the minimum ratio test.)
Linear Programming 2011
x4 = 0
x5 = 0
x3 = 0
x6 = 0
x2 = 0
x1 = 0
Figure 3.3: n – m = 2. x4, x5 nonbasic. (g, f are basic dir.)
Then pivot with x4 entering, x6 exiting basis. (h, -g are basic dir)
Now if x5 enters basis, we follow the direction h until
x1  0 becomes active, in which case x1 leaves basis.
Linear Programming 2011
 Cycling : a sequence of basis changes that leads back to the initial
basis. ( only basis changes, no solution change)
 Cycling may occur if there exists degeneracy. Finite termination of
the simplex method is not guaranteed. Need special rules for
entering and/or leaving variable selection to avoid cycling (later).
 Although cycling hardly occurs in practice, prolonged degenerate
iterations might happen frequently, especially in well-structured
problems. Hence how to get out of degenerate iterations as early
as possible is of practical concern.
Linear Programming 2011
Pivot Selection
 (a) Smallest (largest) coefficient rule : choose xj with
argminjN { cj : cj < 0 }
 (b) largest increase rule : xj with cj < 0 and * | cj | is max.
 (c) steepest edge rule
 (d) maintain candidate list
 (e) smallest subscript rule ( avoid cycling).
Linear Programming 2011
Review of calculus
 Purpose: Interpret the value c’d in a different way and derive the logic
for the steepest edge rule
 Def: p > 0 integer. h : Rn  R, then h(x)  o( ||x||p) if and only if
limxk  0 h(xk)/ ||xk ||p = 0 for all sequences { xk } with xk  0 for all k,
that converges to 0.
 Def: f : Rn  R is called differentiable at x iff there exists a vector
f(x) (called gradient) such that
f(z) = f(x) + f(x)’( z – x ) + o( ||z – x || ) or in other words,
lim z  x { f(z) – f(x) - f(x)’( z – x )} / || z – x || = 0
(Frechet differentiability)
Linear Programming 2011
 Def : f : Rn  R. One sided directional derivative of f at x with respect
to a vector y is defined as
f’( x; y )  lim 0 { f(x+ y) – f(x) } /  if it exists.
 Note that - f’( x; -y) = lim 0 { f(x+ y) – f(x) } /  .
Hence the one-sided directional derivative f’( x; y) is two-sided iff f’( x;
-y) exists and f’( x; -y) = -f’( x; y)
 Def : i-th partial derivative of f at x :
f(x)/xi = lim  0 { f( x+ei ) – f(x) }/ if it exists (two sided)
( Gateuax differentiability )
( f is called Gateaux differentiable at x if all directional derivatives of f
at a vector x exist and f’( x; y) is a linear function of y. F
differentiability implies G differentiability, but not conversely. We do
not need to distinguish F and G differentiability for our purposes here.)
Linear Programming 2011
 Suppose f is F differentiable at x, then for any y  0
f ( x  y )  f ( x)  f ( x)' (y )
0  lim
 0
( f ' ( x; y )  f ( x)' y )
Hence f’( x; y) exists and f’( x; y) = f(x)’y (linear function of y)
If f is F differentiable, then it implies f’( x; -y) = -f’( x; y) from above,
hence f’( x; y) is two-sided.
In particular, f ( x)' ei  lim
f ( x  ei )  f ( x)
 0
( x)
f ( x)  ( x ( x), ... , x ( x))'
Linear Programming 2011
 In simplex algorithm, moving direction d =
for xj entering. Then
 B 1 A j 
 B 1 A j 
f ' ( x; d )  f ( x)'d  c' d  cB ' , c N '
  c j  cB ' B A j
 e j 
 Hence the rate of change c’d in the objective function when move
in the direction d from x is the directional derivative.
So cj – cB’B-1Aj is the rate of change of f when we move in the
direction d.
But, f’(x; d) is sensitive to the size (norm) of d.
( f’( x; kd) = f(x)(kd) = k f’( x; d) )
To make fair comparison among basic directions, use normalized
vector d / ||d|| to compute f’( x; d)
Linear Programming 2011
f ( x)'
( d
 (i d i2 )1 / 2 ,
 B Aj
 B 1 A j 
d 
 e j 
 Hence, among basic directions with cj < 0, choose the one with
smallest normalized directional derivative. (steepest edge rule)
 Problem here is that we need to compute ||dj|| (additional efforts
needed). But, once ||dj|| is computed, it can be updated efficiently in
subsequent iterations. Competitive (especially the dual form) against
other rules in real implementation.
Linear Programming 2011