Population Pyramids - WESTDALE WORLD ISSUES

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Population Pyramids
A Scaffolded Analysis
What is a population pyramid?
• A diagrammatic representation of the age
and sex composition of a population.
• Allows you to analyze trends in birth and
death rates, fertility rates, infant mortality
rates, as well as in similarities and
differences in gender.
• Helps to make predictions about future
growth or decline.
• Can give insight to the status of a
particular country (core, periphery, semiperiphery).
• Is really two bar graphs, one male and one
female, back to back.
What is a population pyramid? ...
What is a population pyramid? ...
Analyzing population pyramids
• By only the shape of the population
pyramid, you can make predictions about
a country’s future growth
• There are five general shapes to look for:
I. Unstable
II. Expanding
V. Declining
Unstable Population
• High birth rates
• High death rates
• Brings a countries medical system or political system
into question
• lack of contraceptives
• lack of medical treatment
• Consider: Infant Mortality Rate
• War?
Expanding Population
• High birth rates
• Death rates a bit lower
• Suggests a decent medical system
• Expect the country’s population to increase rapidly
• Lots of young people, not many elderly people
• Medical improving, nutrition improving, standard of life
Stable Population
• Slow growth
• Low birth rate
• Low death rate
• Birth rate > Death rate
• Suggests a good medical system: availability of
contraceptives and medical treatment
• Incomes increasing, standard of living increasing,
children are becoming more of an expense
Stationary / Diminishing Population
• All age groups similar
• Birth rates low
• Death rates low
• Less and less babies
• No growth
• Birth rate = death rate
Declining Population
• No country has reached this stage yet, therefore this
pyramid represents a prediction of future trends
• Low birth rate
• Low death rate
• Death rate > Birth rate
Canada’s Population Pyramid
*What can we decipher about Canada’s population
from this pyramid? Which of the five classifications
might we give to Canada?
How did our population pyramid reach this shape?
Analyzing Pyramids
Afghanistan 2009
• classification?
• death rate?
• birth rate?
• life expectancy?
• predicted growth?
• periphery, semi-periphery or core?
Analyzing Pyramids
United Kingdom 2009
• classification?
• birth rate?
• death rate?
• life expectancy?
• infant mortality?
• predicted growth?
• periphery, semi-periphery or core?
Analyzing Pyramids
Brazil 2009
• classification?
• birth rate?
• death rate?
• life expectancy?
• infant mortality?
• predicted growth?
• periphery, semi-periphery or core?
Your turn...