Proper Keyboarding Technique and Procedures

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Proper Keyboarding Techniques



technique touch method posture work area



The form and keying style that a typist uses while operating the keyboard.

To key by touch rather by the hunt-and-peck method.

The way the typist sits, the way the typist’s arms, wrists, fingers, legs, and feet are placed.

Arrangement of the keyboard, copy, mouse, and other materials on the desk.


Proper Posture and Technique

       Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor Body centered in front of the computer Elbows naturally by side Fingers curved Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard Quick, snappy strokes 3

Proper Posture and Technique--continued

   Quick down and in motion of the thumb Right pinky used for the enter key; other fingers remain on the home row Use the appropriate pinky for each shift key 4

Work Area Arrangement

    Keyboard directly in front of chair Keyboard even with edge of desk/table.

Monitor adjusted for easy viewing.

Copy to type to the right of the keyboard (if applicable) 5