Mrs. De Los Rios 3rd Grade Class

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Transcript Mrs. De Los Rios 3rd Grade Class

Ms. Echezabal
5th Grade Class
Welcome students & families!
When you
Enter this
Little room
Consider yourself
One of the special
Members of a group who
Enjoy working and learning.
I want to welcome you and your family to a new school
year (2014-2015) at Anaverde Hills. I look forward to an
exciting new year of teaching, learning and achieving. I am
thrilled to have your child in my classroom!
As your child’s teacher, I want to emphasize the
importance of your participation in your child’s academic
activities. To ensure your child’s success, I want to outline
certain behavioral and academic rules that must be
followed in order to have a successful school year.
My Goals
• Work collaboratively with students and parents in an
atmosphere of trust and organization in order to develop
productive and responsible citizens that aim high and achieve
academic success.
• Bring today’s technology into the classroom environment by
incorporating technology into my lesson plans. I believe this
skill is an asset because today’s students are intrinsically
motivated and engaged by technology.
• To provide a supportive and fun learning environment.
Morning Entry
• As students enter the classroom, they place their homework in
the drop off bin.
• Read welcome message, agenda, and daily objectives on board.
• Complete morning assignment on desk.
When the bell rings...
• Be seated and already working on morning assignment.
• Have desk and correct textbook/notebooks on desk.
• Takes notes as necessary.
• After direct instruction, independent work or group work
depending on the specific lesson.
Class Rules*
Raise your hand to speak and leave your seat.
In your seat before the bell rings and during instruction.
Give and receive respect.
Have all your supplies everyday.
Turn in your assignments and stay on task.
No use of electronic devices.
* For additional rules refer to code of student
• Written in agendas daily (posted on website weekly).
• Be ready to turn in/show proof of homework at the
beginning of the day.
• 5 points (half letter grade) will be deducted for every late
W.A.S.P. Policy
• Warning (verbal).
• Advice – student will ask a peer to give advice via agenda.
• Signature – Student will collect a parent signature in the
• Phone call – student/teacher will place a call regarding the
matter when signature is not collected.
Missing a School Day
Bring excuse note to the office.
Collect a “Ketchup Folder” upon return to class.
All make up work will be due the following day unless
otherwise noted.
Reschedule with the teacher any tests or quizzes you may
have missed.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to be ethical in their work.
If a student is caught plagiarizing, the student must re-
do the work and will receive a zero for that assignment.
Definition of Academic
Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of
deception in one of the following areas:
Cheating: use or attempted use of unauthorized materials,
information or study aids.
Fabrication: falsification or invention of any information.
Assisting: helping another commit an act of academic
Tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments
and documents.
Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another person
as one’s own.
School’s Website
My Website
Grading Policy
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59 – below
Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center
Mission Statement
“At Anaverde Hills School our mission is to provide each of our
students a thorough understanding of the California State Content
Standards. We guide each student to become responsible for their
education as well as becoming a responsible participant in society.
Students’ progress toward the goals will be measured using
standards based assessments as well as observations of students
work habits and citizenship. Teamwork is required of teachers,
parents, and students in order to ensure that all students receive the
necessary tools to succeed in school as well as in the community.”
Let’s have a great year!!
Ms. Echezabal