Judicial Affairs at Queensborough Community College

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Judicial Affairs
Community College
Judicial Affairs Defined
Judicial Affairs develops, disseminates, interprets, and
enforces campus regulations
 Protects relevant rights of students
 Deals with student behavioral problems in a fair and
reasonable manner
 Provides learning experiences for students who are found to
be responsible for conduct which is determined to be in
violation of institutional standards or who participate in the
operations of the judicial system
 Initiates and encourages educational activities that serve to
prevent violations of campus regulations
Henderson Rules
Rule #1: A member of the academic community shall not intentionally
obstruct and/or prevent others from the exercise of their rights. Nor
shall any member interfere with the institution’s educational process
or facilities, or the rights of those who wish to avail themselves of any
of the institution’s instructional, personal, administrative, recreational,
and community services.
Rule #2: Individuals are liable for failure to comply with lawful
directions issued by representatives of the University/College when
they are acting in their official capacity. Members of the academic
community are required to show their identification cards when
requested to do so by an official of the college.
Rule #3: Unauthorized occupancy of the University/College facilities
or blocking access to or from such areas is prohibited. Permission from
appropriate college authorities must be obtained for removal,
relocation, and use of University/College equipment and/or supplies.
Rule #4: Theft from or damage to University/College premises or
property, or theft of or damage to property of any person on
University/College premises, is prohibited.
Henderson Rules
Rule #5: Each member of the academic community or an invited guest has
the right to advocate her/his position without having to fear abusephysical, verbal or otherwise-from others supporting conflicting points of
view. Members of the community and other persons on the college
grounds shall not use language or take actions reasonably likely to
provoke or encourage physical violence by demonstrators, those
demonstrated against, or spectators.
 Rule #6: Action may be taken against any and all persons who have no
legitimate reason for their presence on any campus within the
University/College, or whose presence on any such campus obstructs
and/or forcibly prevents others from the exercise of their rights or
interferes with the institution’s educational processes or facilities, or the
rights of those who wish to avail themselves of any of the institution’s
instructional, personal, administrative, recreational, and community
Rule #7: Disorderly or indecent conduct on University/College-owned or
controlled property is prohibited.
Rule #8: No individual shall have in her/his possession a rifle, shotgun, or
firearm or knowingly have in her/his possession any other dangerous
instrument or material that can be used to inflict bodily harm on an
individual or damage upon a building or the grounds of the
University/College without the written authorization of such educational
institution. Nor shall any individual have in her/his possession any other
instrument or material which can be used and is intended to inflict bodily
harm on an individual or damage upon a building or the grounds of the
Henderson Rules
Rule #9: Any action or situation which recklessly or
intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves
the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of
initiation into or affiliation with any organization is prohibited.
Rule #10: The unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, possession, or use of illegal drugs or other
controlled substances by University students or employees (in
the workplace) on University/College Premises, or as part of
any University/College activities is prohibited. Employees of
the University must also notify the College Personnel Director
of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring
in the workplace not later than five (5) days after such
Rule #11: The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of
alcohol by students or employees on University/College
premises or as part of any University/College activities is
Sanctions Defined
Admonition – an oral statement to the offender that she/he has violated
University Rules.
Warning – notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or
repetition of the wrongful conduct, within a period of time stated in the warning,
may be cause for more severe disciplinary action.
Censure – written reprimand for violation of specified regulation, including the
possibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of conviction for the
violation of any University regulation within a period stated in the letter of
Disciplinary Probation – exclusion from participation in privileges or
extracurricular university activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary
probation for a specified period of time.
Restitution – reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property.
Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise
compensate for damages.
Suspension – exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth
in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time. If a student is suspended
for more than on term, the disciplinary penalty is a University-wide sanction.
Expulsion – termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of
readmission, if any is permitted, shall be stated in the order of expulsion. If a
student is expelled for more than one term, the disciplinary penalty is a
University-wide sanction.
Once a written complaint has been filed against a student, the following
procedures will be followed:
A Student Disciplinary Hold (DD) will be placed on the student’s record which
prevents him/her from registering, forwarding transcripts and obtaining final
grades. This hold will remain on the student’s record until the complaint has
been resolved.
An appointment is made with The Student Judicial Affairs Officer to discuss
the complaint against the student. At this meeting, a decision will be made
as to whether to prefer formal disciplinary charges.
At this meeting, with The Student Judicial Affairs Officer, a mutual agreement
resolving the complaint between the student and the officer may be reached
as provided for under Section 15, Article 3, of the Student Disciplinary
Procedures of the City University of New York Bylaws Governing Student
If an agreement is not reached, the complaint becomes a disciplinary charge
and will go before the Student-Faculty Disciplinary Committee. During
this meeting, the committee will hear both sides of the disciplinary charge
and will make their decision accordingly.
If the ruling is in favor of the student who is charged, then the case is
officially closed and the Student Disciplinary Hold is removed.
If the ruling is not in favor of the student, then the student may do one of
the following:
– Either he/she will abide by the committee’s decision and fulfill the
sanctions that were set forth by the committee
– He/she can appeal to the President of the College
If the student does appeal to College President then the following may be
– The President will over rule the Student-Faculty Disciplinary Committee
and rule in the favor of the student or;
– The President will abide by the decision of the committee.
If the student wishes, he/she may submit a final appeal to the Chancellor
of the City University of New York. The Chancellor’s decision, whatever it
may be, is final.
For more information on the Bylaws of the City University that govern
student behavior:
(www.cuny.edu ; click on Trustees; click on Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
then proceed to Article 15)
Peace Officers
Library Building, 3rd Fl.
Services for Students w/Disabilities
Science Building, Rm.132
Counseling Center
Library Building,
Student Judicial Affairs
Library Building,
Academic Integrity Defined
Academic integrity is a commitment in the
face of adversity, to five fundamental values:
honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and
responsibility. From these values flow
principles of behavior that enable academic
communities to translate ideals into action.”
(From the Center for Academic Integrity)
Academic Integrity Policy
Assessing students’ knowledge is an integral and necessary
part of academic life.
The educational process must provide opportunity for
students to demonstrate understanding and knowledge in
each of their courses and to have their command of subject
matters and skills evaluated fairly by the faculty.
Therefore, in preparing all assignments, exercises, and
examinations, students should be guided by the most
rigorous standards and academic honesty.
It is essential that everyone believe it has been done fairly.
Students at Queensborough are expected to be honest and
forthright in their academic endeavors” (Academic Integrity
Policy, p. 3)
Forms of Academic Integrity Violations
A. Plagiarism – The inclusion of someone else’s words,
ideas or data as one’s own work without acknowledging the
B. Fabrication – The use of invented information or the
falsification of research or other findings.
C. Cheating – An act or an attempted act of deception by
which students seek to misrepresent that they have
mastered information on an academic exercise that they
have not mastered.
D. Academic Misconduct – Any act to gain an undue
academic benefit for oneself or to cause academic harm to
E. Falsification of Records and Official Documents
F. -Any other serious violations of academic integrity as
established by the professor
Examples of plagiarism
Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
Quoting another person's actual words, complete sentences or
paragraphs, or entire piece of written work without acknowledgment of
the source; Copying another person's actual words without the use of
quotation marks and footnotes
Using another person's ideas, opinions, or theory even if it is completely
paraphrased in one's own words, without acknowledgment of the source
Borrowing facts, statistics or other illustrative materials that are not
clearly common knowledge without acknowledgment of the source
Copying another student's essay test answers
Copying, or allowing another student to copy a computer file that contains
another student's assignment, and submitting it, in part or in its entirety,
as one's own
Failing to acknowledge collaborators on homework and laboratory
When in doubt about rules concerning plagiarism, students are urged to
consult with individual faculty members, academic departments, or
recognized handbooks in their field.
Examples of fabrication
Examples of fabrication include but are not limited to:
Citation of information not taken from the source
indicated. This may include the incorrect documentation of
secondary source materials
Listing sources in a bibliography that are not directly
used in the academic exercise
Submission in a paper, thesis, lab report or other
academic exercise of falsified, invented, or fictitious data or
evidence, or deliberate and knowing concealment or distortion
of the true nature, origin or function of such data or evidence
Submitting as your own any academic exercises (e.g.,
written work, printing, musical composition, painting, sculpture,
etc.) prepared totally or in part by another
Examples of cheating
Examples of cheating include but are not limited to:
 Copying from another student's test paper
 Allowing another student to copy from a test paper
 Unauthorized use of course textbook or other
material such as a notebook or notes in any form to
complete a test or other assignment
 Collaborating on a test, quiz or other project with any
other person(s) without authorization
 Using electronic instruments, such as cell phones,
pagers, etc., to obtain or transmit or to share
information, when prohibited
 Participating in any academic exercise such as a test
using the name of another person or permitting
someone else to participate in such an exercise for
Examples of academic misconduct
Examples of academic misconduct include but are not limited to:
Taking an examination for another student. Asking or
allowing another student to take an examination for
 Changing a graded exam and returning it for more
 Submitting substantial portions of the same paper to
two classes without consulting with instructors.
 Giving assistance or failing to report witnessed acts of
academic misconduct/dishonesty.
 Depriving other students of access to library materials
by stealing, destroying, defacing, or concealing them
 Retaining, using or circulating examination materials
which clearly indicate that they should be returned at
the end of the exam.
 Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another
Falsification of Records
Examples of falsification:
 Forging signatures of authorization.
 Falsifying information on an official
academic record.
 Falsifying information on an official
document such as a grade report, letter of
permission, drop/add form, ID card or
other college document.
Rules and Procedures
Once a faculty member determines that academic
dishonesty has occurred, he/she can impose
penalty that may include:
A. reduction in grade
 B. assigning an F to the paper,
exercise, test or quiz
 C. assigning an F for the course
 D. In certain cases, the instructor may also file a
formal complaint with the chief student affairs
officer, who after review may refer the case to
the Student-Faculty Disciplinary Committee.
Rules and Procedures
The faculty member will then prepare a written summary
of the investigation and penalties, send a copy to the
chairperson of the academic department
 chairperson of the academic department will forward a
copy to the affected student by registered or certified mail
and by regular mail and a copy to the Office of Student
 This report will inform the student of the right to appeal
the action of the faculty member to the Chairperson of the
Academic Department within thirty ( 30) days.
 That notification will also inform students of the
consequences, should a second offense occur.
 Information about each case of academic dishonesty will
be sent to the Office of Student Affairs and made part of
the student record.
Rules and Procedures
The Dean will maintain and review those records regularly
for repeated pattern of violations of academic integrity
When the Office of Student Affairs has knowledge that a
student has committed two non-coincident violations of the
Academic Integrity Code, the Chief Student Affairs Officer
or designee will take disciplinary action following the
procedures of Article XV of the University Bylaws that may
lead to suspension or expulsion
 (See: http://www.cuny.edu
 Click on: Trustees
 Click on: Bylaws of the Board of Trustees)
Faculty Report Form
Incidents of suspected Academic Dishonesty (AIV-1)
It is necessary to complete this form to report any instance of suspected academic dishonesty. Make a
copy for your records and the Academic Department Chairperson, and forward the original, along with copies of
any supporting documentation to the Office of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs ( L-418).
Instructor Name:
Telephone No.:
E-Mail Address:
Course: ____________________________________ Course Section________________________________
Student Name:
Address: ____________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Date of Incident:
Time of Incident__________ Location_______________________________
Type of Report:
Informal [indicate if resolution pending or matter resolved]
Type of Incident:
Academic Misconduct______ Falsification of Records and Official Documents ____ Other_________________
First Offense:_______________________
Second Offense:
Explanation of Incident:
Your stated policy on academic integrity: A failing grade on the activity
a final grade of F
Other (please explain)
Did the student admit to the charge of cheating, plagiarism or other act of academic integrity?
Signature of Faculty Member
The disciplinary sanctions above are outlined in a pamphlet entitled Academic Integrity Policy at
Queensborough Community College available in Judicial Affairs (Library Building, Room 418), most offices on
campus, Academic Departments and on the web at http://www.qcc.cuny.edu. If you agree with the charge(s)
and accept the academic sanction assigned, the sanction becomes final. If you disagree with the charges and/or
the sanction imposed, you have the right to appeal the action of the instructor to the Chairperson of the
affected Academic Department within thirty (30) days (see attached Appeal Form- AIV II).
You should also note that one additional violation by the student will result in disciplinary action following the
procedures of Article XV of the University Bylaws that may lead to suspension or expulsion .
Faculty Report Form
Incidents of suspected Academic Dishonesty (AIV-1)
Read the attached QCC policy, submit the application within thirty (30) days of the date on the letter advising you of a penalty awarded for academic
dishonesty, mail application to the respective Department Chairperson.
Student Name:
Address:________________________________________ Telephone No.:
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________ Department:_
__________________ Course:
Date of Incident:
Time of Incident__________ Location______________
Type of Incident:
Academic Misconduct___ Falsification of Records and Official Documents__ Other_____________
Penalty for Academic Dishonesty:
A failing grade on the activity
a final grade of F
Other (please explain) ___________________________________________________
Grounds for Appeal: (Attach supporting documentation to indicate the grounds on which you wish to appeal the imposed sanction)
I have read and understand how the Academic Integrity Plan of Queensborough Community College applies to me.
Signature___________________________________ Date ___________
Office Use Only – Decision
Application dismissed ____ Application upheld ____
Chairperson’s name _____________________________ Date _________
Attachment: Academic Integrity Policy
How to Avoid Academic Dishonesty
Understand the importance of academic
 Be aware of the rules
 Develop good study habits
 Don’t be afraid to ask for help
 Do not tolerate dishonesty among fellow
How to Prevent Academic Dishonesty
Show students your concern for academic integrity
Tell students what is expected of them
Cultivate a perception of fairness
Don’t unwittingly promote academic dishonesty
Be aware of new and changing technologies
Monitor carefully.
The primary purpose of this policy is not to
punish, but to educate.