Time Management Tips for the Multitasking Research Administrator

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Transcript Time Management Tips for the Multitasking Research Administrator

Time Management Tips for the
Research Administrator
Source material taken from
Eat that Frog! A book by Brian Tracy
Presentation by Trish Forde
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
NCURA Region VI/VII Meeting Denver, Co.
April 3-6, 2011
The Typical Highway
• Swamped with work
• Multiple deadlines to meet
• Policies and Procedures
constantly changing
• Personal responsibilities
Time management works most
of the time….but
•No matter how much you increase in
productivity, it seems that you will never
catch up.
•It appears that you will always be behind in
some tasks and responsibilities.
Your Frog
• The biggest and most important task.
• The one you are most likely to procrastinate on.
• It is also the one that can have
the greatest impact on your career.
• Select the most important task at each
moment…then get started on that task
getting it done quickly and well.
• The hardest part of any task is getting
started in the first place.
So, how do we increase
our efficiency?
The most powerful thinking tool
for success is your ability
to discriminate
between one priority and another.
Improve your Efficiency
• Resist temptation to start with the easy
• The most important decision you can
make each day is the choice of what to do
with your time.
Do the Most Difficult Task First
• Clear your desk so you have one
important task like a big frog waiting.
• Discipline yourself to do your most
difficult task before anything else.
• Do this for 21 days until it becomes
a habit, and you will notice that you have
doubled your production in less than one
3 Questions to Ask Yourself
Every Day
• What are my highest value activities?
• What can I and only I do, that if done well,
will make a successful difference?
• What is the most valuable use of my time
right now?
Think on Paper – 7 Steps
Decide exactly what you want.
Write it down.
Set a deadline on your goal.
List what you must do to achieve your goal.
Organize the list into a plan.
Take action on your plan immediately.
Resolve to do something every day that
moves you towards your major goal.
6 “P” Formula
80/20 Rule to Everything
• “Pareto Principle”
• All activity seems to agree with this
• 20% of your roads account for 80% of your
• 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the
• 20% of your projects account for 80% of
your annual budget.
Two problem solving proposal ideas to
increase time management and avoid
1) Podcast
• Access as a reference source media.
• Pre-recorded time management webinar files
can be stored locally on the user's computer
or other device ready for offline use, giving
simple and convenient access to episodic
content for time management tips.
Two problem solving proposal ideas to
increase time management and avoid
• 2) Implementation of the Time Diary Work
Book as a time management tool for the
multitasking Research Administrator.
• Workbook includes 21 great ways to stop
procrastinating and get more done in less
time and can be saved in electronic format or
printed for hard copy use.
NCURA Activities
• Future plan to conduct a
Time Management workshop
• Volunteer to implement and participate in
an organization behavior committee
• – Don’t procrastinate but progressively
develop the habit of doing the most difficult
task first and you will never look back.
• – You will become one of the most
productive people in your department!
For maximum efficiency, make sure you
make the time to take your lunch break away
from your desk and pursue your passion and
take the needed annual vacation!!!
The End