Serving Elementary Students with Special Needs July 2010

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Serving Elementary Students with Special Needs

Building Inclusive Catholic Communities Program Department Revised July 2010

“Let us run with endurance the face that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus” Heb 12:1-2 1

Learning for All

The LDCSB welcomes all students and will provide them with the quality education they deserve;

Mission Of the LDCSB: To serve the Catholic student in a community that nurtures a living faith and provides a quality Catholic education that enables the individual to become a contributing member of the Church and society.


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We believe that :

Philosophy of Special Education

All students have an opportunity to learn to live and to contribute as responsible Catholics All students have a right to participate fully in opportunities for learning and growth appropriate to their needs and gifts Students who have exceptional needs are more like other students than they are different It is our responsibility to provide these students the opportunity to share the school experience which their brothers, sisters and friends enjoy An attitude of welcome acceptance, and indeed, celebration of individual differences and unique gifts is to be encouraged and supported “All these are the work of the one and the same Spirit who distributes different gifts to different people just as He chooses” Corinthians 12:11 3

Success for All

To be successful ALL students need …

•Access to the provincial and/or alternate Catholic curriculum •To achieve excellence while recognizing individual needs & capabilities • Dedicated staff to deliver programmes • Effective programming opportunities & supports 4

SOME students need more support due to…

• Socio-economic Factors • Family Factors • Limited understanding of English language • Special Needs • Different Learning Styles 5

Identification, Placement & Review Committee

Students with special needs are identified IPRC process • Using a collaborative approach through the The IPRC identifies the student’s exceptionality and recommends placement for the student by: • Recognizing the rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians and students 6

IPRC Areas of Exceptionality

Behaviour Autism Deaf & Hard of Hearing Language Impairment Learning Disability Speech Impairment Giftedness Developmental Disability Mild Intellectual Disability Blind & Low Vision Physical Disability Multiple Exceptionalities 7









Principles of Inclusion

Neighbourhood School Placement Early Intervention Individual Education Plan In School Team School Based Team Support Affiliate Team Support System Team Support Community Support 8

Neighbourhood School Placement

 We attempt to serve all students within age appropriate regular classes in their neighbourhood school .

 Physical modifications such as doorways, ramps, specialized washrooms and care areas are provided where needed to ensure that the student can remain in their neighbourhood school.


Early Intervention

 Intervention at an early age is a key component of student success    The School Based Team identifies students who could profit from additional resources or time System staff may provide additional support in the early years in order to achieve success Parents/guardians are involved and receive sound communication about the practices regarding service to their child .


Individual Education Plan

    A WRITTEN PLAN of action the teacher, with the members , and developed with parental input prepared by support of other staff meaningful A WRITTEN PLAN used by the teacher to implement individualized teaching strategies & monitor and communicate student growth A SUMMARY of student strengths, needs, and of the expectations for learning that are sometimes different from the expectations outlined in the Ontario curriculum A flexible LIVING DOCUMENT that can be adjusted according to student needs 11

In School Team

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Student Student Peers Parent/Guardian Classroom Teacher Educational Assistant Student Program Support Teacher Principal & Vice Principal

To be successful takes a team effort 12


 Participate actively in all elements of school life  Understand their own learning styles and needs.

 Understand the nature of the accommodations/modifications provided  Assist in setting annual program goals and learning expectations.

“For God is at work within you… helping you do what He wants” Phil2:13 13

Student Peers

Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations In the Classroom

Relate to others in a loving, compassionate & respectful manner Are friends Minister to family, school, parish & the greater community through service Respect the rights, responsibilities & contributions of self and others Include all students in all activities Willingly assist, include, modify, play, protect, support all school mates Work effectively as interdependent team members Learn that we are more alike than different Integrate faith with life Understands & appreciates diversity 14


     Share first hand knowledge of the child (strengths, needs, interests, etc.) Provide up-to-date information about student assessment reports Maintain open communication Reinforce the educational efforts of the teachers at home Work in partnership with the school 15

Classroom Teacher

       Is the key advocate for the child at the school Is the curriculum expert Contributes first hand knowledge of student's strengths, needs and interests Develops the IEP in collaboration with the School Based Team and parent/guardian In consultation develops and reviews any modified or alternative expectations and implements teaching and assessment strategies Maintains ongoing communication with all partners Addresses the needs of the whole child and ensures inclusion 16

Educational Assistant

 Assigned to schools to support students with personal care & safety needs  Under the direction of the classroom teacher, the EA:   Helps students Assists with providing   accommodations as described in the IEP Monitors and records progress relative to the expectations described in the IEP Maintains ongoing communication with the student’s teacher(s) 17

Student Program Support Teacher


Is a key member of the School Based Team Coordinates (not develops) the students IEP’s Prepares for school IPRC meetings Provides diagnostic assessments

Supports classroom teachers by: 20% Testing and Administration

   Providing direct instruction to individuals and small groups Assisting with the development of modifications and/or alternative learning expectations Providing materials and resources

20% Outside of the class instruction 60% In Classroom instruction


Principal as the School Leader

  Sets a welcoming inclusive tone Provides leadership and support to ensure all school team members understand and carry out their role  Facilitates collaboration, planning,  evaluating and updating  Assigns the EA & SPST within the school  Chairs the IPRC meetings  Ensures IEPs are completed and implemented 19

School Based Team Support

The Principal, Vice Principal, Classroom Teacher, Student Program Support Teacher meet regularly to plan for students

Problem Solving approach:

 Identify the challenge  Review & share student data  Discuss possible strategies & recommendations  Monitor progress  Manage resources  Seek Affiliate Team support where appropriate 20

Affiliate Team Support

The search for a solution may lead to the Principal or SPST


the Affiliate Liaison Teacher The Affiliate Liaison Teacher will


with Affiliate Team members as appropriate The search for a solution may result in one or more


to the school to meet with appropriate school team members The search for a solution may require additional members of the Affiliate Team to join the Affiliate Liaison Teacher and the school team in order to discuss

multidisciplinary solutions


System Team Support

Provides an

multidisciplinary team approach

serving the programming needs of all students to 


students, teachers & parents  Provides


in curriculum implementation, accommodations, modifications & supports to program so all students can learn.

Speech & Language ESL Curriculum & Assessment Behaviour Social Work Gifted & Enrichment Student Success Blind & Low Vision Psychological Services Deaf & Hard of Hearing Autism ICT Alternative Education 22

Community Supports

The LDCSB works collaboratively with families and community agencies to provide a seamless continuum of support. These are just a few of our partners : Ministry of Children and Youth Services - Thames Valley Children’s Centre - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) - Madame Vanier Children’s Services - Merrymount Children’s Centre - Community Living Associations - Craigwood Services - Children’s Aid Society - Pittock School/W.D. Sutton - Amethyst School/Robarts School - Oxford Child and Youth Centre - Community Service Co-ordination Network (CSCN)l Children and Family Counselling Centre (Elgin County ) 23

The Journey - Where are We?

Does Every Student…

 Feel accepted, challenged, motivated and valued  Access the facility including play equipment and other recreational area  Participate fully in the life of the school  Receive program supports

Do Staff…

 Feel compassion & empathy and responsibility for all students  Understand their role as planner, facilitator, motivator, and evaluator  Have access to the material and supports needed to meet the diverse needs of a wide range of students  Receive on going Professional Development

Are Parents & Stakeholders ….

 Welcomed to share information  Assisted in understanding system practices and protocols around service to their special needs child/adolescent  Able to participate in a meaningful fashion in the setting of the IEP  Given regular updated progress information 24

everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message.” Matt 16:20 Matt 16:20 25