Googley`s Google

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Transcript Googley`s Google

Googley’s Google
This is not Jungle!!
This is not Recreation Center
This is not Party Hall or restaurant
Be the way you are! Do the way you
 Larry. E. Page
 Sergey.M.Brin
 Stanford University,Phd
 Eric Schmidt,CEO
Organization Culture
 Recruitment
 Compensation
 Benefits & Perks
 Performance Reviews
 Promotions
Major issues faced
Avoiding Bureacracy
Maintaining Rapid Decision Making
Ensuring Visibility
Large Diversity
Avoiding Bureaucracy
Flat Organization
Cause: Expansion of Business
Avoiding Dilbertville
Rapid Decision Making
Consensus Decision-Making
Time consuming
Difficult to conduct meetings-Time zones
Employee Visibility
Difficulty of Cross functional organization
Problem in Interpersonal interaction
Replication of effort
Building culture at new location
Keeping the regional flavor in design
Google in India