Transcript Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Lesson 1
Managing stress in Your Life
What is Stress?
• Stress - Is the body and
mind’s reaction to everyday
demands or threats
Stress and your well being
• Other times it can be so strong that you
may feel as if you are under a lot of
pressure and out of control
Kinds of stress
• Distress – Negative stress
• Eustress – Positive stress
• Any stimulus that produces stress
• (what causes stress)
Kinds of Stressors
• Biological – biochemical imbalances,
mental, physical illnesses, disabilities or
• Environmental – Poverty, pollution,
crowding, noise, natural disasters
• Cognitive (thinking) – way you perceive
situation or what you expect from it
Kinds of Stressors
• Personal behavior stressors – negative
reactions in the body an mind caused by
using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs or
not exercising
Kinds of Stressors
• Life Situations – Having a relative or pet
die. Parents who separate or divorce,
trouble in relationships with peers
Your Body’s Stress Response
• The nervous system and the Endocrine
system are active during the body’s
response to stressor
• It is largely involuntary, or automatic
• It occurs in 3 stages, whether physical,
emotional, positive or negative
Three Stages of Response
Stage 1
• Alarm – Body and mind go on high alert
1.Hypothalamus excited by stressor
2.Autonomic nervous system is activated
3.Pituitary gland activated
4.Pituitary secretes hormone “Adrenaline” –
(emergency hormone)
5. Fight or flight response gives energy to get you
through actual or perceived emergency
3 stages of stress
Stage 2
Resistance –Body tries to repair its damage
from the stressful event and return to its
normal state
- This is stage when resistance reaches its
- Stage where incredible feats of strength
have been known to happen
3 Stages of Stress
3rd stage
Fatigue – results in feeling tired that lowers
level of activity
3 Types of Fatigue
Physical fatigue- may occur at end of long
day or after exercise
Pathological fatigue – tiredness brought on
by overworking the body’s defense system
Psychological fatigue – can result from
constant worry, work, depression,
boredom, and isolation