Zumba and F.I.T.T.

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Transcript Zumba and F.I.T.T.

Kassib 2012
Are You Ready To Party Yourself
Into Shape!?
 Thought
 Zumba
is a exhilarating, effective,
easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired,
calorie-burning dance fitnessparty.
 Zumba
Fitness has moved millions
of people toward joy and health.
Zumba History
Alberto "Beto" Perez was the founder of this
“happy accident.”
 Zumba was created and started in 2001 and
since then the Zumba program has grown to
become the world's largest – and most
successful – dance-fitness program.
 Zumba has more than 14 million people of all
shapes, sizes and ages taking weekly Zumba
classes in over 140,000 locations across more
than 150 countries.
The Original “Fitness
As a fitness instructor in his native Cali, Colombia, Beto's
life took an unexpected turn one fateful day in the mid'90s when he darted off to teach an aerobics class and
forgot his traditional aerobics music. He improvised
using his own mix of music from tapes he had in his
backpack (salsa and merengue music he grew up with).
Spontaneously he created a new kind of dance-fitness,
one that focused on letting the music move you (instead
of counting reps over the music). Energy electrified the
room; people couldn't stop smiling. His class loved it!
And on that day, a revolutionary new fitness concept was
born – the Zumba® Fitness-Party.
You Got Game?
In 2010, Zumba shook the ground (once again)
by being the first branded fitness program to
launch a video game on all three major gaming
platforms: Wii, Xbox, and PS3.
Granny Does!
Bieber Got The Zumba Fever?
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4Xa1f
It’s Not Only Fun, But Also Hits The
F.I.T.T Principles
 F=Frequency
 I=Intensity
 T=Type
 T=Time
Frequency means how often we engage in the exercise or workout.
Frequency is one of the most important principles, as it can
determine whether we have a higher or lower probability of suffering
from a chronic disease. Research has shown that although the
health recommendation is to engage in at least 150 minutes of
moderate-intensity exercise each week, those minutes spread out
throughout the week are BEST, as it has been shown to decrease
the chance of mortality and morbidity.
It just means: spread out the minutes of exercise throughout the week.
Take enough rest to let the body heal, but engage in enough exercise
so the body can make adaptations. Pretty much, no exercise BINGEing
Best frequency for cardiovascular exercise : 3-5 sessions / week
Best frequency for resistance exercise (weight training) : 2-4
sessions/ week
Intensity means the amount of effort that should be
invested in a particular exercise or workout. How hard we
work! There has to be a balance between working the
body intensely enough to allow for the body to achieve
adaptations (and get stronger, fitter, sexier, etc.), with
allowing the body adequate rest and not pushing the
limits beyond its capacity.
Cardiovascular exercise: measure HR maximums to
determine where the 75-90% intensity is best. Take 220your age. That number equals the approximate maximum
heart rate (maxHR). To work at a high intensity, take .75.90 x maxHR. Moderate exercise would be 45%-65% of
heart rate max (or .45-.65 x maxHR).
Resistance exercise : workload is the main measure of
intensity….so number of reps, amount of weight lifted,
number of sets, etc. This is VERY different for each
Type is whatever exercise or workout YOU want
to do, and LIKE to do!
 It is SO important that we engage in workouts
and exercise that is not only happy and healthy
for our bodies, but that it is something we
genuinely like to do!
 Thank goodness you are in Move & Groove and
love to dance (cardio), so doing Zumba, will be
swag. Zumba is motivating, fun, and gets your
heart rate up nice and high!
 Aerobic, Strength, Anerobic?
Time is a very important consideration, as the body needs
“time” to adapt, but too much of a good thing can be a very,
very bad thing!! It vital that our bodies get exercise (um, hello
chronic disease and obesity crisis!), but it is also vital that we
don’t go overboard.
For cardiovascular exercise, it is best to get at least 20-30
minutes of moderate exercise daily. This could be a walk,
ellipticizing, light swimming, or a light jog. It is not
recommended to go above 60 minutes unless that person is
highly trained, seeking to lose weight in a healthy manner, or
training for an event. If we’re going to do cardio exercise above
60 minutes (which is not a bad thing), make sure to
take/consume plenty of water and good carbs.
For resistance training, it is best to get at least 20-30 minutes 23/week. This allows for adequate time to work all the major
muscle groups, and to allow for a day of rest in between
 Directions:
Exit Ticket-Using complete
thoughts and sentences, answer the
following questions before leaving
 Which part of the F.I.T.T. principle really
stuck out to YOU??
 What are some goals in regards to
F.I.T.T that YOU have??