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Proposal for Waste Diversion from Landfill- Presentation to MPPP Council , 29 July 2011 Dr. Lim Mah Hui Visiting Senior Fellow at SERI, Penang 1

Environmental Degradation 2

Three Costs of Private Transport

Solid Waste in Penang Island     Estimate is 1.1 kg of solid waste per person generated in Penang 2009 - 726 tons per day dumped into landfill in Penang Island or 265,000 tons per year Household waste about 70% of total waste Organic waste about 45% of total waste i.e.

MPPP- Solid Waste Disposed

Expenditure for SWM-2009      Real Expenditure including salaries was RM 87 million or 38% of budget; of which Waste collection – RM 20.4m

Transfer costs Tipping Fees -


7.6m 5.0m

32.0m (15%)

Other costs of Solid Waste Disposal    Environmental pollution - release of Methane, CO2, leaching > global warming Unhygienic and spread of disease – smell, roaches, rats Destruction of environment – running out of landfill

Increasing costs of Solid Waste Disposal

Solid Waste Composition-2003 9

Waste Hierarchy Options 10

Concept & Benefits of Waste Diversion from Landfill    Divert Solid Waste from SOURCE thru Segregation > reuse, recycle, regenerate Reduce cost of waste collection and disposal 11

Communities with High Waste Diversion Level 12

Richness from Waste       Instead of throwing away organic waste – compost or turn it into fertilizer Complete the natural process of turning waste food into food Earn income from fertilizer Organic fertilizer – food is chemical free Soil and Environment is richer Life is richer 13


Fertilizers Methods Compost, Bio- regen


Bio-Regen Machine 15

Bio-Regen Machine Used in PSDC 16

How Does Bio-Regen Machine Work      Feed organic food waste into machine Water and Bokashi (enzyme) are added Grinder process and liquidize the food Liquid pumped into container Stored in container for 1 month - waste turns into liquid fertilizer (1,000 litre) thru organic process that reduces CO2 17

Estimated Cost of Waste Disposal to Pulau Burong per ton (excld salaries)     Estimate current cost - RM 150 per ton Long-term average costs estimated at RM 250 per ton (UNDP Report, 2008) Estimated cost of running bio regen machine about RM 130 per ton Other cost savings – use/sale of fertilizer, health, environmental costs 18

Proposal – pilot project    Purchase a bio-regen machine – cost RM 18,800 Install in MPPP food court Assume each machine processes 500 kg per day – divert half ton from landfill

Proposal    MPPP can use fertilizer for landscaping Encourage hotels, wet markets, hospitals, schools, factories etc to divert waste from landfill Offer incentives, rebates to institutions that do that.


Demonstration - July 30, 31 – New World Park – 11 am    Saturday and Sunday (11 am onwards) Sunday 3 pm -presentation of a bio regen machine to YB Phee Boon Poh for Penang State Government from Rotary Club of Georgetown Talks by environment experts from Australia after ceremony 21

 Hope other ahli majlis can sponsor machines for their areas  THANK YOU 22