Tutorial slides for the OSP simulator.

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Transcript Tutorial slides for the OSP simulator.

OSP Tutorial
An Introduction
Getting to OSP
 Obtain a CSE account
 Recommend xming to remote log in from USF
 https://rc.usf.edu/trac/doc/wiki/XmingInstall
 Log Into grad
 grad.cse.usf.edu
Getting to Know OSP
 Manual is Your Friend!!!!
 Read OSP Manual 1.1-1.4 to gain an
understanding of programming in OSP
 Read subsequent sections in 1 for an
understanding of specific modules in OSP
Guide for First Assignment
 Log into grad.cse.usf.edu server
 Copy necessary files from
Guide for First Assignment
 Copy necessary files to your computer or
to a working directory:
Guide for First Assignment
 Follow directions on assignment handout
for modifying the Makefile
 Use knowledge from other modules in
OSP to edit timeint.c
 Use favorite C editor to edit the file or pico
under Unix.
Guide for First Assignment
Guide for First Assignment
 When finished editing timeint.c file, upload
files to directory on grad if necessary
 On grad, in the directory where your files
are located type “make” to compile the
 Type OSP to run the simulator (See 2.2
and 2.3 in manual)
Guide for First Assignment
 Compile OSP (ignoring warning
234 grad: make
cc -c -g dialog.c
cc -c -g inter.c
cc -c -g timeint.c
cc /home/csee1/ospuser/HW109.solaris/osp.o dialog.o inter.o timeint.o
-lm -g –o OSP
235 grad: OSP –d par.high
... output is redirected to 'simulation.run' ... wait ...
Guide for First Assignment
 Table 2.1 shows simulator parameters
 Recommended Interactive and Trace
modes to view simulation steps
Guide for First Assignment
 Example of step in OSP
Guide for First Assignment
 Can put numbers in a file for parameters
and load this file using
OSP “your_parameter_filename”
(see pg77)
 Tips for debugging:
 OSP –d enters debugging mode
 View simulator results using a text editor in
simulation.run (ex. PICO)
Guide for First Assignment
 Successful Simulator Run:
Guide for First Assignment
 Once timeint.c completed, go on to inter.c
 Once inter.c is completed, time to hand in!
 Hand-In (See pg. 82 in manual)
 Run the hand_in script located in the OSP
directory from the directory with your files
Guide for First Assignment
Guide for First Assignment
 Pick the compiler (here gcc, you use cc)
Guide for First Assignment
 Enter the parameter file name
 There are two parameter files, one is less
intense than the other. First run the par.trace
Guide for First Assignment
 Enter any necessary comments in the
comments field
 Hopefully all runs well!
Guide for First Assignment
 Now enter the next parameter file par.high
Guide for First Assignment
 Again enter any necessary comments
Guide for First Assignment
 If you see this, you pat yourself on the
Guide for First Assignment
 Press enter to close
 Verify your submission worked by looking
at simulation.run
Guide for First Assignment
 Debugging Mode:
Guide for First Assignment
 For your result comparison with the
simulators’ results, use the run.high
parameter file.
 Section 2.4 talks about interpreting the