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A partnership that will make a difference
A partnership that will make a difference
About Taylor Shaw….
• Specialist Contract Caterer focusing purely on Education Sector
• Over 500 Primary Schools, 120 Secondary Schools, Academies and UTCs
• Locally based Operation Support Team
• Core Values:
• Passion
• Integrity
• Teamwork
What we do!!!
It’s all about the Food !
Fresh Locally Sourced Ingredients
Freshly prepared dishes on site
Menus which reflect your pupils taste and preferences
Nutritionally Balanced Menus – School Food Compliant
But, there is more to our service than the food……
Menus – consultation with Pupils, Parents, School Management,
Flexibility with dishes
Kitchen Teams Trained, NVQ, Personal Development Programme
Local Management Support
Relief cover
‘Improving outcomes for children
and parents through the school
meals experience’
Quality Food
– Generous Food Costing
– Grade A quality ingredients
– Nutritionally analysed
– Library of recipes
– Flexible to YOUR needs
Professional, trained and motivated teams
– Provided with constant support and guidance
– Training and Development plan specific to individual needs
– NVQ qualifications
A partnership that will make a difference
Menu Example
A partnership that will make a difference
A partnership that will make a difference
Presentation of Dishes
A partnership that will make a difference
What do our Children /
Parents say ?
I am writing to say how much my two children have enjoyed your school meals this
week at Byron Court Primary School, Brent. My son, tried your lunch on your first day
and I asked him how it was. His reply ‘It was really good, I had potato wedges and
they did not taste of soap they had garlic on them!’ High praise from a six year old.
My daughter, went on Tuesday and enjoyed her lasagne, particularly as she was
allowed to help herself at the salad bar.
After several trial runs this week, both of them are convinced that you are 100 times
better than the caterers last term so will be enjoying your lunches every day for the
remainder of the term. Thank you for bringing great school lunches to Byron Court.
Kind regards
Parentpay – Online payments
ParentPay provide online payment for schools
Our school ePayment system lets parents pay online by debit &
credit card or in cash at local PayPoint stores. ParentPay help you
save valuable administration time and its a safer, more convenient
parent payment system.
You can use ePayments in school to collect income for any item or
school activity or for cashless dinner money.
The school ePayment system keeps you up to date with school
payments. School trip management and income management tools
will save time and ensure accurate records are always available.
You can easily chase amounts outstanding with our parent
communication features.
Online payment for school are settled into your bank accounts
automatically and online reports mean accurate records are always
A partnership that will make a difference
Any questions?