Transcript Document

Resources for Deans, Department Heads and Chairs
January 9, 2014
Objectives for today
• Gain clear understanding of the Office of Diversity as a
campus resource
• Engage in dialogue-based activities to:
 enhance awareness of diversity related resources
available to faculty, staff, and students on campus
 experience pedagogical techniques based on
valuing process & content, and active & engaged
Campus Role
Provide support and consultation related to:
• Achievement of campus goals in A Mosaic for UIC
Transformation (available at
• Development of curriculum and co-curricular programs
• UIC Dialogue Initiative
• Chancellor’s Committees on the status of
Asian Americans
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer People and Allies
Persons with Disabilities
• Other committees:
 Diversity Committee Chairpersons (DCC)
 Provost’s Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC)
• Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social
Six unique centers with distinct histories,
missions and locations
African-American Cultural Center
Asian American Resource and Cutural Center
Disability Resource Center
Gender and Sexuality Center
Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center
Women's Leadership and Resource Center
Collaborative Projects
Opportunities for Partnership
• Cultural and educational programs
that expand understanding of issues
and assets across communities.
• Collaborations using art-based
processes, storytelling and civic
• Sites for student internships and
applied research.
• Engagement with the city through
community partnerships.
Opportunities for Partnership
• Classroom presentations on
cultural identities and various
social issues.
• Public programs included in syllabi
to advance class discussions.
• Opportunities for engagement with
the city through the Centers’ longstanding, reciprocal community
• Providing Accommodations
• Deaf/Hard of Hearing Resources
• Test Proctoring
• U.S. Disability Policies
• Advocacy
• Academic accommodations and
criminal, university administrative and
civil options
• Assistance with orders of protection or
no contact orders
• Title IX
UIC Dialogue Initiative
• Partnership between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
• Dialogue education:
Face-to-face learning experience over a sustained period
of time, in which participants from various social identity
groups (gender, race, etc.) explore difference and find
ways to work collaboratively toward a more equitable
society (Zuñiga, Nagda, & Sevig, 2002; Zuñiga, Nagda,
Chesler, & Cytron-Walker, 2007)
• Offerings as credit-bearing courses, co-curricular programs,
and workshops for students, staff, and faculty
• Outcomes
Core Features of
the Dialogic Approach
1. Pedagogical techniques heavily based on:
 Interactive and experiential exercises
 Active and engaged learning
2. Equally valuing process and content in curricular/cocurricular design
3. Expertise in group facilitation and group dynamics
4. Comfort in working through conflict and sensitive topics
5. Promote development of identity awareness
Who is at your table?
Introduce yourself with
 Name
 Department
 Finish this sentence – “If you knew me outside of
UIC, you would know that...
Scenario Dialogue
Charu Thakral – “Diversity and UIC Dialogues Initiative”
Megan Carney – “Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change”
Rebecca Gordon – “Campus Advocacy Network”
Rosa Cabrera – “Reflection on Dialogic Exercise”
Lori Baptista, African American Cultural Center
Rosa Cabrera, Rafael Cintron Ortiz Latino Cultural Center
Megan Carney, Gender and Sexuality Center
Rebecca Gordon, Women’s Leadership and Resource Center
Kristy Kambanis, Office of Diversity
Charu Thakral, Office of Diversity
Philip Vasquez, Office of Student Development Services
Steve Whitley, Office of the Vice Provost for Planning and Programs
We look forward to working with you.