Contracting & Procurement Services

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Contracting & Procurement
Services (CAPS)
CAPS is committed to pursuing best value
solutions through fair and competitive
processes, while maintaining professionalism,
customer service, and compliance with all
applicable laws.
About CAPS
Department within Finance and Administration
(FADM), part of the Finance and Accounting Services
Team (FAST).
Oversee contracting and procurement activities for the
University, including goods, equipment, services and
capital construction.
Serve as consultant, trainer, advisor and partner in
contracting and procurement activities of all types.
Ensure PSU complies with federal, state and local
requirements for public contracting and procurement.
Located in Market Center Building (MCB), Second
About Contracting & Procurement
• Review, negotiation and execution of contracts, including
personal services contracts (PSC).
• Develop and manage solicitations including Request for
Quotes (RFQ), Request for Proposals (RFP), Invitations to
Bid (ITB), and Request for Information (RFI).
• Provide training on best contracting practices.
• Promote the purchase of sustainable products.
• Promote the use of Minority, Women and Emerging Small
Businesses (MWESB).
• Administer ePSU Marketplace eProcurement portal.
• Administer iContracts contracts management system.
Contracting & Procurement Services
Darin Matthews
Assistant Director
Karen Thomson
Procurement Coordinator
Ahrea Summers
Contracts Officer
Paul Thomas
Contracts Officer
Sacey Balenger
Contracts Officer
Martha Kierstead
Contracts Officer
Bill Terry
Student Employees
Construction Supervisor
Stacey Balenger
Contract Specialist
Hanna Emerson
Contracts Associate
Bryanne Grafton
Procurement Thresholds and Requirements
• Under $25,000 : direct purchase
• No quotes required, can negotiate directly
• Competition is still a good idea
• Excellent area for using minority and women owned firms
• $25,000 to $150,000 - informal procurement
Competitive quote process (RFQ)
Sent to known vendors of good or service
Post on ORPIN (State of Oregon) website for three working days
Document quotes on Banner in purchase order text
• Over $150,000 - formal procurement
• Invitation to Bid (ITB) - for goods if price is the only criteria
• Request for Proposal (RFP) - criteria other than just price
• CAPS will work with you on to develop ITB or RFP, evaluate
proposals and negotiate the contract
• Public posting on ORPIN, sealed offers, and formal opening
Contracting for Personal Services
Professional services are creative or technical services such as
architect, consultant, trainer, programming, etc.
Plumbing, landscaping and electrical are considered trade
Selection based on qualifications, reputation, certifications, etc.
(not lowest cost).
Must meet IRS requirements of an independent contractor.
Cannot be current PSU employee (or former in same year)
Under $5,000 a Personal Services Invoice can be used
• One time payment, services within 3 weeks, no Non-Resident
Aliens, submitted directly to Accounts Payable, NO CAPS review.
Over $5,000 a Personal Services Contract (PSC) is used
• Multiple payments, services not within 3 weeks, used for NonResident Aliens.
Over $25,000 a competitive process, RFQ or RFP, is required.
Exemptions from Competitive Bidding
Cooperative Purchasing Agreements are existing contracts that
PSU can purchase directly from without its own bid process;
contracts were already competed through an RFP process similar
to our own by another entity.
Intergovernmental Agreements are contracts negotiated between
two public agencies; they are not subject to competition.
Athletic Contracts are generally not subject to competition, but
there may be instances where it makes sense to do an RFP; this
includes athletic travel, agreements to play other universities, and
Sole Source is when only one vendor is qualified to provide the
necessary goods or services and, therefore, competition is not
practical; public notice on web site is required, as well as VP of
FADM approval. May not be approved by VP.
Other goods and services may also be exempted by statute so
please call our office to discuss your options and opportunities.
Ethical Considerations
• All PSU staff and faculty are public officials and
subject to ORS 244
• Avoid any conflicts of interest
• Financial interest in a company
• Doing business with a “family member,” which is
broadly defined
• Avoid the appearance of impropriety or favortism
• Stay within the gift guidelines – Generally $50
• Avoid personal gain
Purchase Orders
Should be used for goods and equipment (use a contract
for services)
A Banner PO will encumber the funds
Purchasing limits apply (direct, intermediate, formal)
If quotes are required (over $25K), document them in
Banner PO document text (FOAPOXT)
If a contract is involved, document the contract number
in document text (FOATEXT)
Information required:
Department’s street address
Delivery point (where the item is to be shipped)
Shipping terms (FOB Delivered preferred)
Contract Signing Authority
• PSU has a signature authority and delegation
policy, which can be found at:
• Only those with designated authority are
authorized to sign on behalf of the University
• Avoid signing contracts, agreements and other
vendor provided documents unless you have
been authorized
When to Contact Us
 If you have questions about a current purchasing
or contracting need (friendly advice)
 If a purchase is over $25,000 (or might be)
 If you need a contract signed
 If you have a problem with a PO in Banner
 If you have a vendor performance issue
 If you get contacted by a vendor and you are
unsure they are legitimate (scams)
What’s Coming Up?
 New contract authority policy
 Who can sign what at department level - DONE
 Personal Services Invoice (PSI)
 Departments approve up to $5,000 - DONE
 Equity in public contracting policy
 Promotoes diversity in procurement - DONE
 I-Contracts System
 New system for tracking/storing contracts
 E-Procurement Portal
 Online ordering system, shopping cart
 Procurement Training Program
 Personal services, RFP processing, construction