Transcript themes

definition – “a general truth about life”
• Remember that a theme is the idea that the piece of literature
conveys. It should be expressible in a sentence or two and
defensible with evidence from the text.
• There may be more than one theme to a text, especially a novel.
• The theme is not the same as the topic or subject. For example one
of the topics of the novel Deathwatch is survival. The theme would
be: "To survive in a hostile environment one must rely on intellect
more than physical strength."
• The theme is not a moral. The theme is an idea the author conveys,
a comment on how life is, rather than how life should be. Morals, tell
us how things should be; "A person should be nice to his/her fellow
human". Themes tell us how life is; "People are capable of being
incredibly cruel in the pursuit of self-promotion."
• The theme is not literature specific. It is a general truth about life as
conveyed by the characters and events. So it is not "Ben had to use
his head to survive", but "A person must use his head to survive".
themes in the novel
• Deathwatch has many
themes, and one or two
could arguably be the
central theme. These
themes deal with a variety
of topics or subjects.
the possibility of evil
success and failure
self preservation
trust and human nature
the desire to escape
sense of right and wrong
• Any one of these topics
could be developed into a
theme simply by answering
this question:
• What idea does Robb
White develop with regard
to (topic)?
• eg - What idea does Robb
White develop with regard
to the idea of survival?
logical interpretation + supporting details =
valid response
• What idea does Robb White develop with regard to the idea of
• Your answer (logical interpretation), if defensible with events and
details in the novel (supporting details), will be a thematic
statement (valid response): In order to survive in a hostile
environment, a person has to rely as much or more on his/her
mental abilities than his/her physical abilities.
• Proof:
• Ben had to overcome his sense of frustration and the temptation to
give up, like when Madec smashed in the water jug
• Ben had to think of how to survive, even when it seemed impossible,
evident when he used the woodpecker nests as sandals
• Ben had to outsmart his enemy in order to overcome him. He
displayed this ability when he hid in the sand, and lit Madec's tent on
the possibility of evil
success and failure
self preservation
the desire to escape
trust and human
• sense of right and
• Take THREE of the
topics and develop a
thematic statement for
• Provide evidence from
the novel to defend
your theme.
• Each statement of
theme and its proof will
take the form of a
paragraph of at least
five sentences.
Deathwatch QUIZ
• 42 multiple choice
– setting, character, plot
• 14 true/false
– character, plot
• 1 short answer
– character / plot