EBL Enquiry Based Learning in the Midwifery Curriculum

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Enquiry Based Learning in the Midwifery Curriculum Maz Peace, Cathy Hamilton, Sam Janda-Schwab Francesca Entwistle

What is Enquiry Based Learning ( EBL)?

• • • • Originates from educational philosophy of ‘problem based learning’.

Discussion around a problem is the stimulus for student-directed learning EBL adopts a broader approach with enquiry around a topic area rather than a problem Inductive learning is the key factor in both (Price, 2003; Kahn and O’Rourke, 2004)

Why EBL?

• • • • Student led is believed to foster ‘ deep learning’ (Knight, 2002) Collaborative learning encouraged. Encourages students to become life-long learners (Grandis, 2003, Thomas 2007) Has been introduced into midwifery curriculum in other HEIs with positive results (Brown et al, 2008)

Large lectures versus Small Groups

The Midwifery Curriculum

• • • • • We have adopted a ‘hybrid’ approach Linked to modules in each year of the programme as well as aspects of the shortened programme. A trigger is used to develop discussion around scenarios linked to midwifery practice Students identify a ‘chair’ and ‘scribe’ then work in small groups to identify and fulfil their learning needs Lecturer takes a supportive facilitating role

EBL in the 3 year pre-registration curriculum

• • • • • • Used throughout each year Year group usually divided into 6 groups Each group undertakes EBL learning through a variety of triggers - photograph, poem, audio recordings, set of notes etc. Discussed within group and then research divided between group members. Lecturer present to facilitate session Timescale – trigger offered one week and feedback expected the following week.

Feedback given to each other in class and also via group “Wiki” on StudyNet

EBL for distance learners

• • • • Very ‘Hybrid’ approach which unconventionally allows individual and group work approaches ‘Triggers’ are created within aspects of directed on line learning Trigger examples include - online newspaper reports, YouTube video clips, scenarios and podcasts.

Students mostly feed back via Wiki’s or discussion options within StudyNet but, early modules may allow for feedback during block weeks

EBL within the practice domain

• • • • • • • Three year midwifery programme: Shortened midwifery programme: 8 on-site triggers Site related scenarios Students identify their learning needs Tasks are allocated fairly across student numbers Students then separate and go off within the site area to seek out the required information Students either reconvene on site to feedback or feedback electronically


• • • • • • Room availability Student anxiety Lack of engagement for some students Lecturer anxiety Group dynamics Staffing resources


• • • • • • • • Student centred Students taking responsibility for their own learning (mirrors professional practice) Deep learning fostered Philosophy of adult learners Creative thinking encouraged Flexible learning approach Satisfying for students and lecturers Small group working: interactive

Carl Rogers (1965) stated:

"I know I cannot teach anyone anything, I can only provide an environment in which he can learn."

In Summary:

Evaluation of group learning and reflection on the process Feedback -Students present findings - Feedback from facilitator and peers EBL Group meets Ground rules confirmed Introduction of scenario/trigger Group identifies Chair and Scribe for the session EBL Process Self-directed study -Undertaken in small groups or individually -Exploration of objectives Students identify - What words do you not know or understand?

- What do you already know?

-What do you need to know? (objectives) Adapted from The City University (Goreham, 2007)

Let’s try it …….

Feedback and discussion …

Thank you…

…from the midwifery team


Brown, S., Wilkins, C., Leamon, J., Rawnson, S. (2008). Student midwives’ views of enquiry based learning: the BUMP study. British Journal of Midwifery, 16 (5) 302-305. Grandis, S. (2003). Foundation studies for nursing: using enquiry- based learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Kahn, P. & O’Rourke, K. (2004). Guide to curriculum design: Enquiry- based learning. London: Routledge Knight, P.(2002) A process approach to curriculum making to support complex learning. LTSN :Generic Centre May 5-6 Price, B. (2003) Studying nursing using problem- based and enquiry- based learning. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Rogers, C. 1965, Client-centred Therapy (Houghton-Mifflin